13|A Black Remembers Another

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A/N: THANK U SO MUCH GUYYYSSSS!!!!!!!!! 250+ votes is like a dream come true... 🥲🥲

Sirius Black was well aware that he wasn't an ideal son but was proud to say that he was a good enough brother, husband, friend and god father.

This was the reason he was standing here at Platform Nine and A Three Quarters, waiting for James and Lily to stop moping and fussing over Alex. He cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow when Alex sent him a pleading look. As he shook his head and was about to laugh at Alex's misfortune, a person bumped into his side and he stumbled.

"I'm sorry", the man mumbled and tried to walk away.

"Hey, at least be a respectable person and look me in the eye before saying that", Sirius frowned. He immediately regretted the words, some habits were hard to let go, even after all these years.

"Lord Black, I apologise for my insolence", it was a young boy. He had turned back, walked towards Sirius and taken visible satisfaction in being taller.

Sirius was startled by the mismatched green and grey eyes that stared back into his, boldly. It was stunning how the boy resembled a Black when he had never seen the boy in his life.

"I-I- Do I know you", Sirius asked desperately trying to remember whether he had seen the boy's face before.

"No, I don't think so", the boy shook his head and now seemed to panic a bit. As he turned to leave, a voice called out, "Potter, wait! Mother wants to talk to you before you disappear".

There was a sharp intake of breath as the boy- Lucius's elder son- approached them. "Ethan, we... will talk... later. I SAID later", the boy blinked slowly, all the anger fading. Occlumency, strong shields.

Suddenly, the jet black hair, green eye and even the cheekbones and lips seemed familiar.

"Harry", Sirius could not breath. This was his godson, this was the Potter and Black Heir. He grabbed Harry's forearm.

"I have to leave, Lord Black", Harry easily freed himself from Sirius's grasp and disappeared in the crowd.


"Ethan, did you know that a single Levitation Charm, combined with a perfect aim could kill you with a quill", Hadrian casually asked with a book propped open on his lap.

"Hades, don't take you moniker too seriously. We could stop calling you 'Hades'. Besides, I don't think you'd find such... creative ways in a mere book", Roger interjected.

"Say Davies, have you changed you name", Hadrian tilted his head, hair falling on his face. He had cut it during the last Yule break but it was back to it's usual length.

"I... did think of that. Listen, I am so sorry! I didn't know that-", Ethan could say no more.

"Much better", Hadrian nodded, pocketing his wand. He had silenced the Malfoy heir, and if he tried to utter a word until Hadrian reversed it, his hand would be sliced open. Ethan knew the spell all too well. He knew the counter curse, but was aware that if he did it without permission, this would be really light in comparison to what he would do.

"Hadrian, do you have any money? I spent all of mine", came an all too familiar and annoying voice, as the door opened.

"No, you will not be getting a single knut from my hard-earned money", Hadrian replied sharply before pushing the boy out, roughly.

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