11|Never Eavesdrop

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A/N: Don't worry, the chap ain't as bad as the title. ;)

The idiot beamed at the cameras, posing like an orangutan. He should have known that Potter wasn't going to take his dear son to some exotic location, unlike the Malfoys. 'England has every fucking thing, doesn't it', he rolled his eyes and walked out of the Flourish & Blotts.

"Hello Slytherin King! why's the encyclopedia walking in a library", Roger smirked as he saw Hadrian coming through the door.

"Shut up Davies! How's the slap mark from Johnson", Hadrian shot back and saw the other boy wince at the mention of the fierce Gryffindor.

"Well, you got me there. But seriously, what brings you to a small store like this", Roger gestured to the small dusty room with dusty bookshelves around.

"The Brat", Hadrian deadpanned. Roger chuckled and gave Hadrian a mock sympathetic look.

The bell chimed again, signifying the entry of another person. Both the boys turned around and looked at the small boy who had just entered the store. Hadrian whispered something to Roger and watched him disappear behind the large shelves.

"Why are you here?"

"What the hell are you doing in a library". Both the questions came at the same time but in different tones, one shocked and one incredulous.

"I thought that you would be off to the Quality Quidditch Supplies to get something or off to somewhere with your dozen friends", Alexander frowned.

"For your information- I am at the top of my year and although I play Quidditch, it is mainly to keep up... faces", Hadrian said vaguely.

"So, you're just magically so tall and- as Padfoot would say- ripped", Alexander pouted and scowled.

"I walk, and run, and basically move", Hadrian responded bluntly.

"What are you doing here, huh?", Hadrian asked again.

"I came here because Mum and Dad said that I could explore alone for a while and I thought you won't be here", Alexander explained reluctantly.

"Hey Hades, I found your book", Roger said and tossed him a copy of 'Tales of Beedle The Bard- Persian Version'.

"Thank you Roger. Now, you, I'd prefer out of my sight", Hadrian caught the book and turned back to Alexander.

Said boy opened his mouth to retort but thought better of it at seeing Hadrian's raised eyebrow. He sighed and reached the door. Opening it, he stepped out but stopped short at hearing a voice greet his brother. He let the door close but put his ear to the door to hear the conversation.

"Hello there, 'King'", a voice called out and he could picture the mock salute that accompanied it.

"Everdeed, here to get your subject books for your third year", Hadrian replied coolly.

"Will it kill you to call me Nicolas? But yes, thanks to you, we have more subjects to choose from", the boy continued, and a peek made him see the eye roll. Was this the son of Evangeline and Apollo Everdeed, the infamous dark couple?! The two had evaded being caught practicing anything tabooed but his father had told him how there were all the clues and symptoms.

"Oh, I did nothing but talk to Lord Malfoy about the International Level and Rankings. I, only, had to point out how books were going missing and the restricted section was shrinking as well. How Hogwarts' ranking had dropped drastically and we were viewed as a joke, internationally. I didn't think and, to this date, neither do I know how the Ministry got wind of it", Hadrian simply said with an innocent expression.

"Har! Har! Har... could have fooled any typical Gryffindor, hell anyone with a couple brain cells can figure it out! You gave me the story on a silver platter! You didn't even- Oh", Everdeed grimaced as he realized that was exactly what Hadrian was doing.

"What electives are you taking, again", he continued in an attempt to change the topic.

"Why, Athrimancy, Ancient Runes, CoMC and Spell Theory. Flitwick had raved about my scores and how I should have been a Ravenclaw, at the end of last year, to anyone would listen. What are you taking", Hadrian replied, amused with a knowing look.

"Ancient Runes and CoMC", Everdeed replied.

"I want a Historian/Excavator's job at Gringotts, so I need to thank you for that 'anonymous' letter to the Minister with some 'motivation' to work on getting rid of useless teachers like Binns, Trelawny, Kettleburn and Burbage. They taught like absolute rubbish", he scoffed at the end.

"I guess that much information will be enough, don't you think ickle firstie", Hadrian swiftly reached the door in a couple long strides and abruptly flung open the door.

Alexander knew he was screwed as he looked up at his brother's towering figure. Then, he looked behind him to see the other boy leaning against the counter, having the time of his life.

"My, my, I finally have the misfortune of meeting you in person. I must say you are everything I expected you to be- the exact opposite of this genius and extraordinary wizard", Everdeed smirked nodding his head towards said boy.

Everdeed had dark- almost black hair with deep brown eyes- they were almost like his, but with a hint of permanent amusement practised to be there. He was tall- all of his brother's friends seemed to be tall and intimidating.

"Hadrian... Everdeed... What are you two doing with Alex", a familiar voice called out from the other side of his brother. He looked up at his brother's face but he was still staring him down as he responded.

"Explaining that poor and un-sneaky eavesdropping might be his downfall, one day", Hadrian said without missing a beat. With a last glare at him, Hadrian turned around and walked towards... Tonks!

"Tonks! Thank Merlin, you are here", he walked- no, he did not run- towards her in relief and hid behind her.

"What'd you do to scare the shit out of him", she looked at Hadrian in amused interest. What was so funny that they were all enjoying this situation.

"I didn't even start. Anticipation for the worst is the sweetest. I only glared, and not even as much as Snape does", he chuckled.

"Come on Alex, your parents must be looking for you. This isn't over, I want the details at Hogwarts", she tossed over her shoulder as she walked out with Alexander in tow.

"Damn, Ethan was right. These Hufflepuffs have a fairly Slytherin side in them to get out of situations where they are stuck between sides", Nicholas remarked as Roger joined them and they left towards the direction of Knockturn Alley to see if Ethan and Cedric had gotten their new wands designed and crafted.

Alex on the other hand was grimacing as Tonks led her to the Leaky Cauldron.

"You know, he is the one student that all the professors adore. If he answers a question, he gets seven points, whereas others get five. He has that effect. He knows what to say and how to say. He says the truth wrapped in eloquent- I mean beautiful words so perfectly that the worst doesn't sound half as bad. It comes to him naturally", Tonks explained.

"What are you trying to say, Tonks? How is this related to what happened in there", Alex asked, confounded.

"What I am saying is- be careful around him. He can let this 'slip' and everyone will forget that you are the boy-who-lived. He has lived in the Potter Manor for all those years, even if no one remembered. He has observed you and your parents for years. He knows you better than- maybe even Lily and James.

"Annoy him much or get on his bad side and the student body will know some really embarrassing facts about you", she warned the same way every first year was since the last couple years. Others knew from first hand or second hand experience.

A/N: There it is. A new chapter. I really thought I won't be able to publish it but here I am.

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~CY ♥♥

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