12|HRM Group of Hotels

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Lily Potter was not an emotional woman by nature. She knew that and had been told so. She had tried to forget the night and had almost succeeded. Alex was growing quickly. Dumbledore had tried... and failed to train him. Alex was a child and children don't like to sit still and learn.

A tear escaped her eye as she saw her little boy come to her with Nymphadora Tonks. She seemed to be telling him something that... unnerved him? This boy was difficult to read. As they entered the famed Leaky Cauldron, she ran to Alex and hugged him.

"Mum... I am a first year now. I will be going to Hogwarts soon and you can't just do this", he whined.

She let out a watery chuckle, that stung, but it was true, kind of. "Of course dear! You are just growing too quickly", she smiled sadly. There was a loud and boisterous laugh followed by a "he is, isn't he", as she turned around, smiling.

"James", she greeted brightly.

She opened her mouth to say something but froze as the shadow passed again. She looked back at Alex, and the boy seemed to notice it... and know it! No, this wasn't possible. She had spent years convincing herself that it was nothing, just an illusion or something of the sort.

"Lils? What happened? You kinda zoned out there", James asked, concerned.

"It's nothing, I thought I saw something weird", she shook herself out of her thoughts.

He was right. The boy couldn't know the value of people, even if his life depended on it. Such a big head at such a young age!

"Oh Master, you talk as if you aren't as arrogant as him, if not more", Death let out a rattly chuckle.

"I don't let it show, do I? You know because you are the one I have ranted to, a couple times", Hadrian rolled his eyes. The response was a laugh and pop. 


"How's HRM Group of Hotels doing? I'd like to see the account books- Muggle and Magical ledgers", Hadrian asked sharply.

"Right away, Master Hadrian! But if I may ask- what prompted this", Ragnarok had feeling that Hadrian suspected meddling that he did as well. He had managed accounts and vaults before he was given this throne.

"I had gone as a 'guest' and there were only Muggles. HRM is open to all, including Wizards, werewolves, vampires, squibs and hags. There was a sudden drop in numbers and... money. That bastard Dumbledore. He's the Supreme Mugwump, he must have gotten rid of the paperwork", Hadrian had begun with little anger but had closed off at the end, he was seething.

"Now that we have a name, gathering proof will be easy. So, according to the average income of HRM Group of Hotels, we will extract the loss from his vaults. He will be notified, but surely, the letter can be lost for a certain amount", Ragnarok grinned.

"I must commend you, though. Not many have the ability to begin a hotel and proceed to develop it as a world wide chain at the tender age of ten", he praised.

"I wouldn't have been able to accomplish it without Death's and- of course- your help", Hadrian responded with a charming smile.

"You are too kind, Master Hadrian", Ragnarok chuckled and got up. Hadrian got up as well and took his leave.

Whistling a self composed tune, he walked to the Knockturn's -and his new apothecary- Rare Potions' Ingredients.

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