29|Happy Birthday

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Alex slowly opened the door to his brother's wing. His brother couldn't have forgotten his birthday. He was the boy who lived after all.

"Boy who lived, my ass. You're just an entitled, mummy's boy", a familiar voice scoffed.

Alex hadn't realized that he had been talking out loud. Hadrian stood in front of him, arms folded exasperatedly- if it was the correct word for his brother's posture- that is.

Hadrian wore a simple, blue cotton t-shirt with black cotton trousers. It seemed an odd and cheap choice for someone as flaunty as his brother. Alex eyed his brother's peculiar choice of mismatched colours.

"Don't you have a proper nightsuit to wear? This just looks weird", Alex wrinkled his nose.

"I don't wear dinosaurs and snitches", Hadrian replied flatly.

"No! Like... a proper set. Not a mismatched t-shirt and trousers", Alex walked around, inspecting the paintings hanging everywhere.

"I don't have expensive clothes which serve no purpose than flash in the dark like muggle stickers", Hadrian caught Alex's hand as he was about to grab a room's handle.

"Don't you have anything to say to me? It's almost midnight," Alex looked up, as if to feel superior. Hadrian raised an eyebrow, looking at him from the corner of his eye.

"It's past your bed time. Go to sleep or your parents will probably think I murdered you out of blue", Hadrian deadpanned.

Alex's attempt to speak was abruptly cut short by a piercing scream as Hadrian swiftly lifted him, effortlessly hoisting him onto his broad shoulder with a single, commanding motion. Gripped firmly in Hadrian's grasp, Alex found himself momentarily stunned, the rush of air as he was lifted leaving him breathless. 

With a deft movement, Hadrian swung open the Wing's door, the heavy wood creaking in protest against the force. Despite Alex's protests echoing in the air, Hadrian remained resolute, his grip unyielding.

"Put me down! Mum! Dad! Look what he's doing", Alex tried to wriggle out of his brother's grasp.

"Shut up or I'll throw you. You're screeching in my ear", Hadrian threatened, loosening his grip for a second to emphasize his point.

"Alex?" an alarmed voice called out. The lights came on and Hadrian sighed. He had wanted to avoid this.

Lily and Lupin emerged from Alexander's room, cake and balloons in hand. They were in their night clothes. A confused dog followed behind, with a stag in tow.

"Bye", Hadrian dropped his hands to his side. With his hands came down Alexander's harried form. 

Alexander groaned in pain as he suddenly stood up, ready to reprimand his brother. Their eyes met. For a split second, something flickered in his brother's eyes, and in the blink of an eye, it was gone. Hadrian turned robotically on his heels, walking back to his wing with measured steps.

"Happy birthday brat", Hadrian whispered softly, his voice drowned under the creaking of his Wing's door.

Hadrian, returning to his room, took off his t-shirt in a swift motion. It sailed behind him, landing with a soft thud. Collapsing onto the bed, he exhaled a strangled breath, his frustration palpable. His hand hovered over his hair, a fleeting impulse to pull in vexation.

Why did he feel like the most miserable person on the planet after seeing Lily and James like that! It had never happened before. He had been watching it happen for ten years... what was one more.

We don't always like changes... Master.

"Oh, for Merlin's sake! Get out of my head, Mortem", Hadrian banged his head on the headboard.

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