aurora IV

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She eyed her door with badly disguised enthusiasm. This was the most excited she's been since she learned that she could talk Ser Finneas into sneaking books her father wouldn't approve of. Her heart beat so fast she feared it may beat right out of her chest. Aurora counted down in her head, and Mya opened the door right when she reached zero. Aurora patted herself on the back for timing it so well. She didn't even need to say anything before Mya nodded, indicating that, finally, a response arrived. It had been yet another week, but Aurora handled it better this time because she knew it would usually take this long now. It still didn't make her less excited every single day.

Mya set her meal down, "Eat first, read later."

Aurora frowned, tempted to just reach into the older woman's pocket and take her letter. She didn't though. She couldn't risk Mya being upset with her. There were two bowls of soup, meaning someone was eating with her. She cast a hopeful glance at Mya, silently asking if it was she who was eating with her. Mya laughed and playfully ruffled her hair, "I'm afraid not, my lady. My duties have doubled."

Aurora pushed her initial feeling of betrayal down deep in her belly, letting pity take its place, "I'm sorry."

Mya shook her head, "It's my job. I'm happy to do it."

Aurora could understand that. This past week has been another lonely one. She had tried to take the time to understand that her family had lives outside of her. It wasn't fair of her to be so selfish to demand all of their time. So, while she did understand, she still didn't like it. Try as she might, she couldn't stop the feeling of betrayal. And she did try.

To distract herself from letting the feeling take over, she asked, "Who is joining me, then?"

"That would be me, if you don't mind," her father said from the doorway. She smiled widely at the sight. He engulfed her in a hug before she even had the chance to move towards him. She adored hugs. Especially when they were given by her family. Really, she just liked touch in general. She didn't get much of it.

She spoke into his chest, "Of course I don't mind, Father. You know I love it when you dine with me."

She pulled back and watched as the adults shared a look before Mya bowed at them and left. Aurora called out behind her, "Bye!"

Mya turned with a smile and waved before shutting the door behind her. Aurora and her father sat down to eat.

They were halfway through their meal when Aurora noticed something was off about her father. He was talking to her like nothing was wrong, but he wouldn't meet her eyes. He was the only one who liked looking in her eyes. She did her best to avoid eye contact, but her father was big on it and always tried to meet her eyes. She ended up meeting his more than she liked. She didn't want to hurt him. But now, she was actively trying to meet his eyes. He was the one refusing. Maybe he finally realized how painful it was looking in them.

She was going to ask him what was wrong when he sighed and pushed his bowl away. She followed him, expecting a conversation. She waited, keeping her eyes on the wooden grain of the table. He sighed once more, "I have something I must share with you."

She nodded, "Is something wrong?"

Was he leaving her? Was she too much? He gently grabbed her hand and spoke softly, "I imagine you've noticed my absences as of late."

She nodded again, now worried, "Are you sick, Father?"

He laughed lightly, "No, darling, I'm not sick,"

He paused. She let him collect his thoughts, trying to keep her stomach calm so her dinner didn't come back up. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for something to latch onto before they found the rolled up parchment on her desk. No . Did he find out? Was he angry? Was he going to take her letter and burn it before she even got the chance to read it? Was he going to forbid contact? And what of Mya?

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