aemond IV

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 Everyone was gathered in Rhaenyra's room with their cases, waiting for her to get back so they could go home. They had been waiting for what seemed like forever. Aemond was exhausted. Physically and emotionally. The previous night had been draining. Helpful, but draining. He just wanted his own bed. He just needed to go home.

He was surprised their mother hadn't cornered them this morning, urging them to stay. Though, she understood why she sent a maester. She wouldn't have been able to lie with everyone here, not well at least. Aemond almost wished she had come just so he could watch her plan crumble right in front of her. It would be a long time before he was fully over his mother's betrayal. Her refusal to put the past aside.

He loves his mother, but he doesn't like her. He didn't realize how important it was to feel both for someone until recently. He's always liked Aegon, but he's never loved him. Until recently. He only realized last night that not only does he love Rhaenyra, but he likes her as well. It was a startling feeling to realize how badly he wanted to call her 'Mother' as she held him last night. He wondered if his siblings felt the same way.

A knock at the door jolted him out of his thoughts. Everyone looked at each other before Aegon called out for them to enter. It was a knight. Aemond didn't recall his name.

"My Princes, My Princess. You're needed for an urgent meeting in the throne room," he said in a serious voice.

Aemond wanted to scream. They were leaving! Their cases were packed, and they were leaving. What could possibly be wrong now?

"What's it for?" Aegon asked the knight, narrowing his eyes at him. Aemond recognized that as his protective glare. His 'big brother mode' as Aurora called it.

"I wasn't told. If you'd all follow me," the guard bowed his head, turning to leave the room. Everyone looked at each other.

"Do we go?" Jace asked, looking around the group.

"Yes," Helaena was walking to the door.

The boys shared a look before following her. If Helaena deemed it okay, it was okay. They had all accepted that she just knew things that they didn't. They all trusted her.

The walk to the throne room was quiet. Aemond saw lords and ladies from court making their way into the room as well. Something really must've happened.

"Children! With me," Rhaenyra appeared in the crowd, gathering everyone around her.

"Mother, what's happened?" Jace asked his mother.

Rhaenyra brushed his hair out of his face, "Nothing bad, my love. Let us gather inside."

She corralled them inside, keeping each child close to her. They stood to one side of the throne. His mother and grandfather entered the room, looking confused and angry. His mother marched up to the Maester Orwelle, "What is this? I didn't order this."

"No," Rhaenyra spoke up from behind them all. "I did."

His mother's glare turned to Rhaenyra, and her once empty eyes filled with anger and hatred. She barely glanced at her children as she tried to coolly walk to Rhaenyra, "Under what grounds?"

Rhaenyra smiled at her, patting each child on the shoulder before she stepped around them to meet his mother directly in the middle. Aemond thought Rhaenyra looked like the picture of royalty. She was, technically, but she truly looked regal in this moment. She held her head high and shoulders back as she walked forward. She met his eyes for a moment as she passed him, and he saw humor in them. Like she knew a funny jest. Her smile was knowing as well. With every second that passed, Aemond grew more and more curious.

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