aurora XV

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 "Aurora, my dear, how have you been?" The King asked her.

Aurora didn't know how she felt about the King. On one hand, she was upset that he thought it would be okay to invite her father, but on the other hand, she wasn't as upset as she thought she would be. It was an odd feeling. Not good, but not bad. She didn't want to see her father, but she also did. She didn't want her father to see her, but she did. She was split in two with the feelings, and she didn't know how to choose which one to feel.

She would stay cordial with the King, though, despite how confused she was, "I've been good, my King. How have you been?"

Viserys smiled good-naturedly at her, "I've been good, my dear. I'm glad you've decided to join us for such a special occasion."

She smiled at him, knowing full well she couldn't have said no again. She's said it far too many times now. She had to say yes this time.

Jace spoke up from his seat next to his brother, "Grandfather, if I might ask, what did you have planned for the celebrations?"

Aurora silently thanked the younger boy as she relaxed in her seat. She was curious to know as well. She didn't realize that she didn't even know what the plan was for her own nameday.

Viserys perked up, clapping his hands together once, "Oh! I have much planned. Tomorrow is the big day, but there will be celebrations for the entire week for you, Aurora, dear. The ball, as I've said in our letters," he turned to address Rhaenyra. "We'll be having a feast the day after the ball. Tomorrow, though, will be the tournament."

Aurora's nose scrunched a bit. She heard Aegon chuckle into his cup. Rhaenyra had a confused smile on her face as she talked to her father, "Tournament?"

It seems no one at the table knew of the tournament as everyone was awaiting an answer from the King. He wore a bright smile as he addressed the table, "I've invited knights from all throughout the Seven Kingdoms to participate. We have many great knights attending. It shall be a tournament worth watching."

Aurora didn't know why he thought a tournament where people hurt each other would be fun to watch. Others at the table seemed excited as well. Aurora put on her best fake smile as she looked around trying to match the excitement she saw on her brothers' faces.

"A tournament!? What does the winner get?" Luke excitedly asked. Aurora's smile became harder to fake as she heard just how excited he was. If little Luke thought they were fun, they had to be, right?

The King's eyes darted quickly to her before they left just as quickly and he avoided eye contact all together, "That's yet to be decided. I'm sure we can come up with a suitable prize for the winner."

He didn't meet her eyes for the rest of the course. Course two was brought out soon after. The conversation turned to general catching up throughout the family. Aurora was in the middle of a conversation with Baela, and the occasional interjection from Aegon, when Viserys grabbed her attention, "Will you two marry?"

Aurora was confused, "I'm sorry?"

He nodded between her and Aegon, "You make a handsome couple."

Aurora's mouth dropped open in shock as she recoiled far away from her best friend. Aegon was staring at his father with open disgust. Rhaenyra laughed at them, "No, Father, they're merely friends. I fear the world will have turned upside down if those two ever married each other."

Aurora frantically nodded, "Yes, Your Grace. I love him dearly, but not in that way."

Aegon switched his expression in an instant, looking positively betrayed. Aurora rolled her eyes, already knowing what he was going to say. He sighed, "You don't want me, my love?"

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