aegon V

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She couldn't just vanish into thin fucking air. At most it had been about two and ten hours since she was taken. Unless her captures had a dragon, she had to be close by. No one was moving quick enough in his opinion. Everyone was walking and slowly searching. Aegon hated them all. The moment Rhaenyra announced a search, he was running towards the dragonpit. Not walking. Not jogging. Running. Just as everyone should be doing.

He was vaguely aware of footsteps running beside him, but he didn't focus long enough to see who it was. He had to find her. He had to find her before his brain caught up with the fact that she was gone.

Sunfyre was ready and alert when Aegon saw him. No doubt Sunfyre was feeling just as anxious as he was. Sunfyre, just like Aegon, had a soft spot for Aurora. Aurora always loved Sunfyre. He walked up to his dragon and rested his forehead against Sunfyre's snout. He tried to quiet his own rage as he spoke softly to him, "Ivestragī īlva maghagon zȳhon lenton." Let us bring her home.

Sunfyre growled quietly as Aegon leaned back to climb onto the saddle. He gave Sunfyre the command to fly, and they were off.


Not immediately going to Storm's End was the stupidest thing he's ever seen his sister do. Aurora's gone missing. Who's the most likely perpetrator? Her dumbass father, of course. The moment Rhaenyra knew Aurora was missing, she should've taken Syrax to the skies.

At least someone had half a brain cell in his family because Aemond was flying a ways away from him, but it was clear they were going in the same direction. The rational part of Aegon told him that being angry with his little brother wasn't right, but the irrational side, the bigger side, told him to blame Aemond.

He was the last one to see Aurora. He walked her back to her chambers. Everyone knew they were supposed to be on high alert. Why wouldn't he check her chambers before he let her inside? How could Aemond marry her if he couldn't even protect her? How could Aegon allow that to happen?

Sunfyre swooped down suddenly, and Aegon was brought out of his thoughts by the sudden motion. He looked around to find the cause of Sunfyre's actions when his eyes found a lone man lugging a cart behind him. Aegon whistled quickly to draw his brother's attention to the man. He might've been angry with Aemond, but that didn't mean he couldn't use him. Two dragons were better than one to get information out of someone.

Sunfyre landed and Aegon was quick to dismount and approach the scared man. He didn't bother playing nice as he spoke to him, either, "Seen a strange woman recently?"

In Aegon's mind, he didn't need to describe Aurora. You'd know if you saw her. She fucking glows. Any other features she has would be glossed over in someone's mind once they saw her skin. Aegon hated boiling Aurora's entire being down to just her skin, but he would get over it if it meant finding her quicker.

"Strange? I don't think so," the useless man told him.

Aegon saw Aemond approach from behind the man, "You're lying."

He had never in his life heard his brother sound so cold. Aegon was torn between feeling an ounce of pity for his brother who just lost his betrothed and anger for the man who dared act like he wasn't at fault for it.

But then Aegon's brain caught up with what his brother had actually said. Aegon closed in on the man in less than two steps. Aemond caught the man when he tried to flee and held his dagger to this throat.

Neither brother had to say a word before the man was practically screaming and crying, "No, please! They told me not to tell! They threatened my family!"

"Who?" Aegon didn't care about the man's family. Aegon, himself, would kill the man's family if he continued to lie to them.

"I don't know who it was! They just told me that when people came looking, I couldn't tell!" The man pleaded with the brothers.

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