rhaenyra XII

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They were having a good time. Truly. It felt like a miracle from the Gods that they were all getting along and enjoying the night together. Laenor, Laena, Daemon, Rhaenys, Corlys, her father, and herself. There were such strong personalities in this room, but there seemed to be a silent agreement to keep the past in the past. This wasn't their week to mess up, after all. They were here for her daughter's birthday, and she would sooner drink poison than mess that up. Thankfully, she wouldn't need to. They were having a good time.

Until Aegon burst through the door, rage evident on his face as he quickly scanned the room before his eyes landed on the King. Rhaenyra stood, about to move to greet him and ask what was wrong. Before she could take a second step, though, Aegon shot forward and landed a cracking punch right on the King's jaw. It felt like the entire room froze for a split second before everyone started moving again.

Rhaenyra darted to her brother with Laenor right behind her. Daemon moved to his brother, Corlys went with him. Rhaenys and Laena were stuck in the middle, looking between the two. Her father, the King, was sprawled out on the ground. Aegon knocked him unconscious with one punch. If Rhaenyra weren't so confused and concerned at the moment, she would've been impressed.

Rhaenyra tried to inspect Aegon's hand, but the man shot forward towards the King again. Laenor wrapped his arms around Aegon's torso to stop him from moving, "He's already unconscious. What more could you do?"

Aegon attempted to shoot forward again, "Kill him."

She saw Daemon and Corlys lift the older man off of the ground, taking him over to his bed to lay him down. Rhaenyra turned back to Aegon, "I need you to calm down and tell me what's happened to make you so upset?"

"Your father is selling Aurora off like she's some common whore to be purchased," Aegon spat at the back of her unconscious father in her uncle's and good father's arms.

Laenor let him go, "Excuse me?"

Rhaenyra echoed that statement in her mind. Her father dropped the marriage subject. Unless he lied to her. Judging by her little brother's reaction, she saw that could've been the truth.

"That fucking tournament. She's 'the prize,' as she put it," Aegon didn't try to leap for the King again, but that could've just been because Daemon was standing in the way with his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

Rhaenyra placed a gentle hand on his arm, "Calm down. Explain to me again."

She made sure to breathe deeply with him so he didn't feel foolish doing it himself. Aegon copied her breathing, but she could still feel him shaking in anger under her hand. He wouldn't be this angry if this was a simple miscommunication. Her own father really is trying to give her daughter away. All of the sudden, Rhaenyra wanted her father to be awake simply so she could knock him out again.

Aegon opened his mouth to explain when his face fell, and he whispered a quick, "fuck," before turning and running out of the room.

Rhaenyra and Laenor had no choice but to run after their pseudo son. People were following them, but she didn't turn around to check who. Aegon led them to a set of chambers; she didn't know which chambers belonged to which of her children after they had been moved. He pushed open the doors, and Rhaenyra physically saw his entire body sagged with relief when he saw the people sitting on the bed.

Both heads snapped over to the door when it burst open. Aemond looked like he was ready to kill someone, but Aurora was more scared than anything. Rhaenyra rushed over to Aurora, seeing the blood on her hands. Aemond was off of the bed, moving out of her way, by the time she reached Aurora. She grabbed her cheeks, inspecting her for injuries, "Aurora, my love, what happened?"

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