rhaenys V

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 The time before the wedding was well-spent, in her personal opinion. Corlys and Rhaenys spent every night with Aurora. Sometimes, they spoke of Aurora's life. Sometimes, they sat in silence as they merely enjoyed each other's presence, Aurora was often writing to King's Landing during that time. Rhaenys had been extremely surprised to know she wasn't just writing Rhaenyra, but the children as well. She had watched one day last week as Aurora snorted at one of her letters. Corlys had asked what was funny, and Aurora just shook her head, replying, "Aemond is a horrible liar. Even over letters."

Most times, though, their time was spent talking about Corlys' adventures at sea. He had plenty to tell, and Aurora would sit at attention every time. She asked questions every other sentence. Rhaenys could tell Corlys was more than happy to answer them. Their own children had long since grown tired of Corlys' stories. Rhaenys decided that as long as he was smiling the way he did when he spoke to Aurora, she would listen until her last breath.

The night before the wedding, Aurora wasn't the typically bright girl she usually was. Rhaenys wanted to tell her.

"Aurora, my dear, I need you to pack a case, alright?" Rhaenys told her.

Corlys and Aurora looked up as she interrupted his storytelling. Aurora tilted her head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Corlys spoke next, "You wish to leave, yes?"

Aurora's eyes widened as she stood up, "Am I leaving?"

"As long as you want to," Rhaenys told her.

"I do!" Aurora's smile was brighter than Rhaenys had ever seen it.

It dimmed a bit as she spoke next, "My father-"

Corlys interrupted, his voice hard, "Your father will not be a problem. I'll make sure of it."

Aurora beamed at him. She started to run all over her room, collecting random things to bring with her. She stopped in the middle of her room, and spoke as if she just realized something, "I have no case."

Rhaenys almost smacked her own forehead. Of course she wouldn't have a case. She's never gone anywhere. Corlys patted the girl on the head, "Gather your things. We'll bring a case with us tomorrow night. You can pack it, then."

Aurora nodded, placing her items on the table. She stared at them for a moment. Rhaenys stood to join her at the table, "What is it?"

"I don't want to bring any of this."

"You don't have to bring it," Rhaenys stroked her messy hair.

"How many dresses should I bring?" Aurora asked them.

Corlys spoke from his place at the table, "Just the one you'll be wearing when we leave. You'll be getting new ones."

He was stretched out in his chair that he had claimed weeks ago. Aurora's eyes widened, "I have no money!"

Rhaenys furrowed her brow, "Surely you don't think we'll be making you pay?"

"No." Aurora sat down in her chair. Rhaenys took her seat as well.

"Is red okay with you?" Corlys asked her. Rhaenys met his eyes and smiled at him. Dressing her in Targaryen colors would send a message to anyone that tried to mess with her out in the world.

Aurora nodded, "I like red! It's pretty."

Rhaenys smiled at her, "Red and black are your colors now. You'll have to wear them with pride."

Aurora nodded again, her face set in a serious expression, "I will."


Rhaenys stood next to Corlys, both dressed in fine clothing, as they watched Helen Tully approach Nicolas. She looked pretty, Rhaenys noticed.

Rhaenys had no intention of paying full attention during this wedding. She zoned out the second she saw Helen approaching the aisle. Her thoughts were on the scroll in her pocket. They were on the girl up in the tower who would finally be free for the first time in forever. Rhaenys couldn't wait to see her reaction. They would need to figure out if she was traveling by boat with Corlys or by dragon with Rhaenys. She didn't know which would excite the girl more. She loved Meleys, but lately, the sea has been something she hasn't stopped talking about. If she went with Corlys, it would give Rhaenys time to fly to Dragonstone to make sure everything was ready for her arrival.

Rhaenyra, Laenor, and the kids should be there by now. Rhaenyra had said they would be leaving in a fortnight. That was a fortnight ago. Rhaenys would fly there, just to make sure.

The vows were exchanged quickly, and Rhaenys couldn't watch as Nicolas and his new bride shared their first kiss as a married couple.


The feast was the thing Rhaenys was most excited about. She and Corlys had seats of honor, right beside the married couple. Rhaenys was directly beside Nicolas, and Corlys was supporting her left. She had failed to hide a smirk many times on their way to the dining hall. Nicolas had spoken up once everyone else was seated, "My dear guests! I thank you all for joining us on this very special occasion. There's no one else I would want here with me on this special day," he paused, looking down at Helen with a smile before looking at Rhaenys, lifting his cup to her, "I know some of us haven't met in years. I'm glad you could come."

She knew by the look in his eyes that he was lying. He continued, "To my wife, there's no one else I would rather start a family with. I look forward to our life together. May we be happy."

He raised his glass in the air, and everyone followed. Rhaenys and Corlys barely lifted them at all. Helen stood next, "My dear husband, I can't wait to give you all of the perfect kids you deserve. May they be born healthy and normal."

A comment that could've been passed off as a joke, judging by the scattered laughter that followed. Rhaenys laughed under her breath, standing up with her cup, a wide grin on her face, "If I might make the next toast?"

She noticed Helen appear taken aback as if she wasn't done speaking, but Nicolas hushed her with a hand on the arm, and Helen sat down with a frown. Nicolas turned back to Rhaenys, "Of course, Princess. I would be honored."

Rhaenys smiled at him, looking to Corlys for last minute support. He smiled into his cup. Rhaenys lifted her cup, "I remember my wedding. The speeches, in my honest opinion, were the best part. I loved hearing everyone I cared about wish us well. It felt like an honor, as your Lord Nicolas just stated," she smiled at Nicolas, enjoying the smile he gave back. It would be gone soon.

She continued, pulling the scroll out of her pocket, "Which is why it is my absolute honor to read this to you. From a family member who couldn't make it," she put her glass down, turning her body so she had him fully in her sight. She loved seeing the confusion flash across his face. Rhaenys cleared her throat and read aloud,

To the Lord Nicolas Baratheon,

I, Rhaenyra Targaryen, with permission from Viserys Targaryen, First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, do hereby claim the Lady Aurora Baratheon as my Lady-In-Waiting. She is to accompany the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon and her Lord Husband, Corlys Velaryon, to Dragonstone. I appreciate your cooperation.


Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and Heir to the Iron Throne.

Oh, how Rhaenys reveled in how far his face fell once she finished reading. 

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