aurora V

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She regretted her letter to Rhaenyra the moment Mya had taken it. She wrote it in a hazy state; her mind not quite letting her think of anything else but the vision she had. Aemond's letter was short and impersonal; she didn't like that either. She wanted to make friends with the boy, but she was afraid he might think her rude because of it. She, later, justified Aemond's letter being so short because his own letter to her was short as well. So, it was okay.

Aurora knew her letter would cause concern. On one hand, she dreaded the thought of causing Rhaenyra to worry, but on the other hand, she liked the feeling of someone caring enough to worry. She was in a constant mix of guilt and glee. She'd spent the week burning a hole in her room from pacing so much.

Mya opened the door, bringing in her food. Aurora sighed and shook her thoughts away. A scroll was placed between her cup of water and bowl of soup. Aurora wasn't particularly excited to read it. If Rhaenyra questioned her letter, she would have to explain. How could she explain something she doesn't even know herself?

That last vision, and its side effects, had scared her so bad. She made sure to write down what she remembered once she had cleared her mind of panic. Maybe she could piece together what her mind was trying to tell her.

She didn't even bother asking Mya if she was staying; she hadn't in weeks. Aurora was beginning to accept that her old family was leaving her. She didn't like it. It made her want to throw herself from her tower. But she was beginning to accept it.

Mya left with a gentle pat to Aurora's head. Aurora didn't like it as much as she used it. The action felt empty. She ate with her eyes glued to the horizon outside her window. Half of her wished she would see a dot on the horizon that would later turn out to be her cousin, coming to free her. She knew that wouldn't happen. She didn't know what the other half wanted. She loved her father; she truly did. So, why did she want to leave? Why did she want to get away from him? She loves him.

She finished her food with a sigh and pushed her bowl away. She grabbed her letters and unrolled them, carefully setting aside their pink ribbon. It was beginning to fray at the end. Aurora smiled to herself slightly; fraying meant it was used often. Three?


Don't worry. All will be well soon. I promise.

Tell me what's going on.


She didn't think her cousin knew just what she was promising. How could she? Rhaenyra didn't know how she lived. Maybe it was time she did. She read the next letter.

Lady Aurora,

What did you write to make Rhaenyra run out of the room? Is something wrong?

I don't have a favorite color.

-Prince Aemond

I don't like pink.

She barked out a laugh at the prince's reply to her. He didn't like her ribbon? And he didn't have a favorite color? How could she wrap his letter in a different color ribbon if he didn't have a favorite color? She would need to get to the bottom of that.

She, very pointedly, ignored his questions. She didn't mean to cause such concern. If she focused too much on it, she would surely have another breakdown. So, she pushed it down.

She flipped to the next letter, only slightly nervous about her new pen pal.


Don't be afraid. They'll help you. They used to scare me too.

The Dragons and Their Sun (aemond/oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang