rhaenys IV

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 Corlys was devastated by Nicolas' change. It wasn't shown on his face, but the way he glanced at Nicolas throughout supper was a telltale sign. Corlys didn't speak to him unless he was spoken to. He mainly spoke to the other lords and ladies at the table. Rhaenys didn't blame him. Every syllable that came out of Nicolas' mouth was a painful reminder of what they had lost. Rhaenys would need to get Corlys alone soon so her lord husband didn't take the blame upon himself.

Nicolas left the table first, dragging his brushing betrothed behind him. The other lords and ladies soon followed. Corlys and Rhaenys stayed behind long enough to bid their thanks to the wait staff and the cooks before they, too, left.

"What happened to our boy, Rhaenys?" Corlys asked once they were far enough away from people. Their chambers weren't far from the dining hall.

"I don't know, Corlys," she told him, dreading his reaction to what she would share with him later. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that Corlys would try to steal away with the girl tonight once he had met her. As much as Rhaenys wanted to do that, they couldn't. Not yet. Once Rhaenys got her reply, they could act.

They reached their chambers, Rhaenys picturing the look on Nicolas' face when she shared the good news. She smiled.

"I don't see anything to grin about, my love," Corlys shut the door behind them. Rhaenys motioned for him to lock it. He did.

"Just rest for now, Corlys. We have a long night ahead of us," Rhaenys told her husband as she kicked her shoes off and laid down on the bed.

"Long night? What are you tal-" Corlys was interrupted by Rhaenys pulling him down beside her.

"Rest, my love. All will be explained later tonight."


Luckily, Corlys knew when to shut up. She made sure he wore his cloak to hide his white hair. She didn't have that problem.

Once they had made it outside, Corlys spoke up, "No guards? What kind of a place has no guards at night?"

Rhaenys shook her head, craning it to the skies to search for her winged friend, "Believe me; for us, that's a good thing."

Meleys landed softly; Rhaenys was always stunned at how she knew to be gentle. Corlys shook his head at her, "You know how I feel about flying."

Rhaenys grabbed his hand, "It won't even be a minute. You must trust me, Corlys. I would never lead you astray."

They locked eyes, and Rhaenys pushed every once of love and care into her eyes for him to see. He nodded. She led him to Meleys and helped him get situated in the saddle before placing herself in front of him. He took advantage of that opportunity, "Well, I quite like this."

She laughed lightly, slapping his arm, "Not now."

They took to the sky and, just like Rhaenys said, not even a minute went by before they were at Aurora's window. The girl wasn't there. Briefly, Rhaenys was worried about a repeat of the night before. She still didn't know what to make of the girl's visions of her future.

Rhaenys dismounted and held her hand out for Corlys to do the same. He, very hesitantly, did. She led him to the window slowly, urging him not to look down lest it make his heart race even faster. She slid through the window backwards, still urging her husband forward. She saw his eyes widen. Once both of them were safely on the ground and Meleys was in the sky, she turned around. Her heart melted at the sight.

Aurora was sitting low in a curtsy. Her hair was brushed and bunched together in the back. She kept her head low. Rhaenys walked to her, kneeling down next to her, "Aurora, darling, there's no need for that."

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