jacaerys I

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They didn't find Aemond that day. He must've left training early. He wasn't in his room either. He and Luke wanted to check Helaena's chambers because Aemond seemed to be close with his sister, but Ser Criston stopped them, asking what they were doing in that wing. They were allowed to be there, Jace wanted to argue. He didn't want to give the mean knight more of a reason to dislike them. Jace apologized to the man before dragging a feisty Luke out of there. Luke wanted to argue, and if Jace hadn't slapped a hand over his mouth, he would've.

They would have to look more tomorrow. He walked Luke to his chambers before he walked to his own. Deep down, he always knew he was slightly mean to his uncle. He always told himself it was just fun. That Aemond didn't mind. He continued to tell himself this even after he witnessed his uncle discreetly wiping at his eyes after one particularly mean comment about him not having a dragon. Jace felt bad about it, but he justified it by saying it wasn't he who made the comment, so he didn't need to apologize for it.

His father had told him otherwise. Laenor explained to him that sitting by and watching as someone was teased was almost as bad as teasing them yourself. Jace hadn't thought of it that way. His uncle deserved one thousand apologies from Jace and Luke, then. He only hoped Aemond would forgive him. Jace did like his uncle; he thought he was funny sometimes. If Aemond forgave him, Jace would promise to become the best friend ever.

He spent his night practicing exactly what he would say to his uncle when he saw in training the next day. So why was he standing in front of his uncle right now, with his mouth open, but no words coming out?

Aemond raised a brow at him, "What?"

His mind was blank, so he just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "Will you spar with me?"

He practically felt the confusion coming from his uncle. Aemond was looking at him like he had just asked him to tell him the exact dimensions of the city. Jace decided it was too late to take his words back, so he nodded firmly, "I want to train with you."

Aegon came up behind his brother, and Jace had to suppress a grimace. Aegon was the last person he wanted interrupting this conversation. Aegon slapped a hand on his brother's and nephew's shoulder, "I support this match, you know. You're both so bad, a winner will be hard to decide."

Aemond's glare flickered between Jace and Aegon like he didn't know which one he wanted to direct it at more. Jace knocked Aegon's hand off, ignoring the slight look of surprise that came from the older boy, "I think we're an even match, uncle."

Aemond's glare snapped to him and stayed on him. Jace didn't like it. Criston Cole's voice cut through the air, "How about a better idea? Eldest son versus eldest son. Aegon and Jace, get your swords."

Jace couldn't say what possessed him to speak so out of turn, to a knight no less, but he did, "No. Aegon is too good for us to spar. Uncle, you and I are more evenly matched. I wish to spar with you."

There was a silence after he spoke. Jace's eyes widened the moment his mouth closed. What was that!? He can't just talk back to those older than him. Aemond's eyes also slightly widened. No one talked back to Criston, so Jace could understand the shock. Laenor quickly spoke before the situation could escalate, "I think that's a great idea, Jace."

Jace looked back and smiled at his father. Laenor smiled back before his eyes shot to Criston's, his gaze darkening. Jace wondered what that was about.

Jace turned back to Aemond and took a step closer. Aemond watched him with distrust. Jace kept his voice low, "Please?"

Jace had a new plan to apologize. He would use the distraction of their sparring to speak to his uncle. So no one could hear. He looked at his father before shooting a glance towards Criston. Laenor's eyes narrowed in understanding and he made his way to speak to the knight. Jace smiled at how easily his family understood each other.

Jace and Aemond began their spar. They danced around each other, neither one wanting to make the first move. Jace took this chance to speak, "I'm sorry."

Aemond's steps faltered just the slightest before he snapped, "What?"

"For being a bad friend. I'm sorry."

Aemond swung. Jace just barely jumped back, bringing his sword up to deflect it. His uncle's face was angry, "I don't care about an apology you're only making because your mother told you to."

Jace's sword dropped in surprise, "How'd you know about that?"

He watched his uncle's eyes widen before he cleared his throat, looking around awkwardly, "I didn't."

Jace was confused. Did Aemond speak to his mother? Surely not. If they didn't live in the same place, Jace wouldn't even think they knew each other. Well, until Aegon was sick. His mother had personally brought Aemond to her chambers when Aegon had woken up. Perhaps they were closer than Jace thought. Even so, Jace deserved the scolding. He was tempted to thank Aemond if he had told his mother. Jace needed to be a better friend if he was to be King one day after his mother. He couldn't be a mean King. He wouldn't be.

Jace shook Aemond's words off and half-heartedly swung at his uncle, "It doesn't matter. I'm sorry."

Aemond deflected, "Stop."

"But, I am."

Aemond's swings became harsher as his voice shook a bit, "I said stop."

It was getting harder to deflect each swing, but Jace managed to, only getting grazed once or twice. He was glad they weren't real swords. Jace's swings lessened as he was forced to go entirely on the offense, "When Luke and I fight, we hit each other to end it."

Aemond faltered for a second. Jace continued, "Hit me. You'll feel better."

Another swing, another deflect, "I'm not hitting you."

"I won't fight it. I promise."

Aemond stayed silent as his breathing grew heavier. Jace could feel he was close to a breakthrough. He was sure his mother would have something to say about his method, but punching something helped him when he was too upset to focus. It could help Aemond too. He and Luke always used this method to stop fighting. Get all of your anger out in one punch and everything will be back to normal.

He told Aemond again, "Hit me!"

Aemond's sword came down harder than ever, and Jace still managed to deflect it. He smirked up at his uncle before he was flat on his back, a yell tearing through the air. Aemond only managed to get two punches in before he was yanked off by someone. Jace barely felt the punches as they occurred because he was still trying to adjust to the new position he had found himself. He pushed himself up into a seated position, ignoring the pain in his nose as he shook his head. Aemond was also on the ground, staring at his hands in shock. Luke and Laenor were in front of Luke, speaking to him with looks of concern written plainly across their face. He ignored them, keeping his eyes on his uncle. He felt drops of something coming from his nose.

Jace started to laugh. He thought the situation was funny, but apparently no one else did because he was met with various looks of horror. Aemond's was the worst. Jace could relate, he felt a similar horror the first time he hit his brother. Jace's laughs got louder at his uncle's face, and he choked out a humorous, "Did that help?"

He watched as Aemond's eyes fell to his bloody nose and then back down to his hands. A small smile came to his face before his shoulders started to shake. When he looked back up, Aemond had the widest grin Jace had ever seen on his uncle. It lit his entire face up. Jace immediately thought he looked better with it.

Jace and Aemond laughed wildly together, ignoring the looks from everyone surrounding them. This wasn't about them. Jace, still laughing, stood up and walked to his uncle. He held a hand out to help him up. Aemond only hesitated for a second before taking it, his laughter dying down into smaller chuckles he couldn't see to keep in. Jace met his eyes when they were both standing, "Did it help?"

Aemond looked down, grinning at the ground before shrugging and looking back at Jace with a slight smirk, "I think I need to do it again to know for sure."

Jace laughed again, slightly shoving his uncle's shoulder. Aemond moved with it, a small grin on his face. Then, just slightly, Aemond nodded at him. Jace beamed.

It wasn't all fixed with two punches, but it would get there. They had time. After all, the deal was only one punch. Jace owed him a punch. 

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