rhaenyra VIII

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 Rhaenyra stood in front of the castle she would now call home, each of her boys under an arm. Laenor stood just behind her with her siblings. They had all come. Aegon was looking up at the castle with a hint of boredom, his usual expression for everything. Aemond had a look of childish wonder as he gazed up at the stone castle. Helaena, on the other hand, wasn't even looking at the castle. She was gazing out at the sea with a look of pure excitement written across her face. Rhaenyra cast a glance to the ocean; there was nothing out there. Though, Helaena always seemed to know things.

Everyone was waiting for Rhaenyra to take the first step, so she did. As she was walking, she thought back to the day before.


"You will not take my children away from me! They are mine, not yours to do with as you please!" Alicent had stormed into her room. She knew this day would come. In complete honesty, she had thought this conversation would've happened long ago. She was slightly surprised it was happening the day before they were set to leave.

"I'm not taking your children, Alicent. I gave them a choice. They chose to come. I won't tell them otherwise," Rhaenyra turned to face the Queen. Her face was scrunched in anger, but she had tears in her eyes. Rhaenyra's motherly instincts tugged for the slightest moment before she realized just who she was faced with.

"My children would never willingly go with you. They're not stupid," Alicent snapped at her.

Rhaenyra snorted, "You're right. They're not. Which is why they're coming with me."

"I won't let you take them."

"And just how will you stop me?" Rhaenyra took a step closer, slightly getting in the woman's face. "Tell them more lies? Tell them how much I want them dead? Hmm?"

Alicent's face dropped for a second, "I would never-"

Rhaenyra took a single step back, "Give it a rest, Alicent. Lies are unbecoming of a Queen."

Rhaenyra turned to face her window, looking out to see the boys training. They were much happier than they had been in a long while.

"If you touch my children, I swear you will regret it," Alicent spoke in a low tone.

"You don't scare me, Alicent. Your children have chosen to come with me," she paused, turning back to her old friend. "And I swear they'll be much safer with me than they ever were with you."

Alicent stormed to her and got in her face, "You think because you're his precious heir that nothing will ever happen to you. That you'll never be punished. You're wrong."

Rhaenyra brought a hand up to move a piece of hair out of the other woman's face, bringing her voice to a near whisper, "Tell me, Alicent, what do your precious Gods say about planning to marry your own children to each other?"

Alicent jerked back like she had been burned, "How-"

"And after all of that talk about us Targaryens and our 'queer customs," Rhaenyra spoke airily as if she were discussing the weather.

"You have no proof of this accusation."

"My husband, with his own ears, heard you conspiring with your father."

Allicent's eyes hardened, "Who would believe the words of one person over those of the Queen's?"

Rhaenyra felt a surge of protectiveness rush through her, "The words of the future King Consort. Along with the support of the future Queen and her heirs," she paused, feigning to think. "And the Queen's own children, of course. Yes. Who would believe the words of-," she nodded towards Alicent. "-one person over those of the Queen's?"

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