aurora VIII

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 It was the day of her father's wedding. She wasn't sad. She was practically bubbling with excitement. She had no idea where Rhaenys and Corlys were taking her, but she didn't even care. She grabbed her most loved book, and a copy of her family tree. That was all she needed. All she wanted.

She sat on her bed. Waiting was torture.


Mya had brought her food to her along with her letters. Her old friend didn't even say goodbye before rushing out of the room. Aurora didn't blame her. She blamed her father. She ignored her food as she opened her letters.


Lord Corlys is very nice. He loves his family very much. We all do.

I'm sure your eyes are gorgeous, sweet girl. I look forward to seeing them.

Until then,


Aurora almost vibrated in her seat with excitement. She carefully placed that letter in her book, so she could reply once she was safely away from here with Rhaenys and Corlys. She read the next one.


Mother says we can meet soon. We can be friends then.

-Jace and Luke (Aegon said not to put his name down again)

In the very corner of the letter was a very tiny 'A.' Aurora smiled at that, it seemed Aegon would be a difficult one. She opened the next.


We will.


She placed a smiley face next to her message. It made Aurora smile. She looked at the final letter. She remembered her sarcastic reply to Aemond, and she wished he didn't take offense. She hoped he hadn't. With trepidation, she opened it.


Shut up.


She smiled the widest at that. She let out a sigh of relief at his equally sarcastic reply. At least, she had hoped it was sarcastic.

She gently folded her letters and placed them alongside Rhaenyra's letter. She would reply later. That way they would get the sigil of her new home. Wherever that was.


It was about the time Rhaenys and Corlys usually joined her when she heard pounding footsteps coming towards her door. She flashed the window a panicked look, only slightly relaxing when she didn't see anything. The door burst open, and she was met with the angry glare of her father.

He shoved a letter in her face, "What is this!?"

He was screaming at her as she tried to read what was written. She only managed to see Rhaenyra's name and her own before the letter was snatched from her vision.

"I don't know what that is!" She was scared. He had never yelled at her before. His face was red with anger, and his hands were balled in fists.

He got in her face, and she tripped over her feet in her haste to back up, "I'll ask you one more time, young lady. What the fuck is this!?"

He threw the letter at her face. She scrambled to pick it up. Her eyes quickly scanned it, her entire body tensing as if it was preparing for something.
Lady-In-Waiting? She's read about that. Rhaenyra wanted her? She couldn't stop the smile that came to her face. Nicolas saw it before she could wipe her face clean.

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