rhaenys I

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She had already planned on how to gently tell her son that she didn't believe the letter to be true. That there was no way Nicolas would ever do that to his daughter, not one that came from Amaris. There was no reason to fly to Haystack Hall because there was no secret daughter. Someone was tricking her son and good daughter. She was angry at the person pretending to be a child in need. Who would do such a thing?

She was dressed for the day and sat at her table, enjoying the quietness of the morning when there was a knock. She called for the person to enter; it was a squire. He held a scroll in his hand, "Princess. A raven has come for you."

She stood, confused, "Just now?"

He nodded, "Yes, Princess. I brought it right to you."

She gave him a smile, "Thank you, lad."

He bowed and handed her the letter before leaving. She looked at the scroll's sigil.

Baratheon .

Well, that's a strange coincidence , she thought to herself. It was almost amusing.

She unrolled the scroll and read.


I write to you with exciting news. My son, Nicolas, has finally returned. He is to marry Lady Helen Tully on the ninth day of the seventh moon. I write to you to extend a formal invitation. I'm sure he would love to see you. I would too. You're more than welcome to come early and spend the time before the wedding catching up. I'm sure there's much to talk about. I hope you decide to come, Rhaenys. Families should be together for occasions like this.

-Joseph Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End

Her mind was reeling as she read. Remarrying? Nicolas? There's no way . Nicolas had been away for ten and two years. There was no way he came back just to fulfill his father's wishes. Unless he wanted to?

She shook her head. That couldn't be. Though, perhaps the grief had finally subsided enough for him to fall in love again. She thought back to the letter her son had shown her the previous night. It was all beginning to make too much sense. Perhaps, Laenor was right, after all.

She rolled the letter neatly and placed it in her pocket before leaving her chambers. It would seem she had a new answer for her son.


She waited until after they had broken their fast. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood, and she hadn't wanted to spoil it with the news that she would be leaving. It was currently the thirtieth day of the fifth moon. She would be spending the next moon cycle in Haystack Hall, trying to figure out just what her mother's side of the family was hiding.

It gave her enough time to attend the wedding, figure out if the child was real, and be back in time for Laena's birth. She waited until the servants had cleared the table to speak.

She pulled out her letter, "I've received a letter from my uncle, Lord Joseph Baratheon."

Laenor perked up, meeting her eyes. She gave him a secret smile, telling him with her eyes that she would be helping. He lit up once he understood. Corlys spoke, "We haven't heard from Joseph in a long time, my love. Is something wrong?"

She smiled at him, "Nicolas has returned, Corlys."

Corlys was also close with Nicolas. She remembered the times she would catch her, at the time, new husband play-fighting with the young boy. His eyes widened, "Truly?"

She nodded, loving the joy that spread across her husband's face. She almost dreaded what she was about to tell him. But he had the right to know, "He's remarrying."

The joy faded from his face as confusion took over, "To whom?"

She handed him the letter, speaking aloud so Laenor could hear, "Lady Helen Tully. In just over one moon."

Laenor looked deep in thought, as if he were piecing several pieces of a puzzle together but with great difficulty. Corlys frowned, "You're going?"

She sighed, grabbing his hand under the table, "I've known the boy since he was born, Corlys. I must go."

He squeezed her hand, "I would love to see him."

Her eyes widened, "You wish to come?"

He laughed, watching her with fond eyes, "Am I not allowed?" Her husband reread the letter, "Or was I not invited?"

She released his hand, "I plan to leave in a fortnight. I'll spend the following moon with my mother's family before returning for Laena's birth."

Laena smiled at her, "You don't have to be here, Mother. You can spend as much time with them as you wish."

Rhaenys shook her head, "I will be spending plenty of time with them, my love. I haven't missed a birth yet, and I don't plan to."

Laena exchanged glances with her brother, both wearing matching smiles, before she shook her head lightly, "Thank you."

Laenor stood, "I best be going. I promised the boys I'd be back today, and I don't want to miss their training."

Corlys stood as well, "Training? Have you begun training with the children, Laenor?"

He was wearing a smile as he teased his son. Rhaenys stood, Laena following. Laenor explained himself, "I've taken over the boys' training, Father. It's about time they had a trainer who's actually fought in a war."

Laena didn't hide her snort very well. Rhaenys didn't even try to hide her smile at her son's jab at the current sword fighting teacher. Corlys did make an effort to hide his smile of amusement, though it wasn't a very good one.

Rhaenys walked forward to her son, "I'll walk you out."

He hugged Laena and, hesitantly, hugged his father before coming back to stand beside her. No one but Rhaenys saw Corlys' heart crack at the sight of their son hesitating to hug him. It broke Rhaenys' heart as well, but she found that she couldn't fully blame Laenor. She knew Corlys loved his boy, but he was absolutely dreadful at showing it sometimes.

Laenor barely waited until the doors were shut behind them to speak up, "You're going? Truly?"

She nodded, "Yes, Laenor. I'm going."

He studied her for a moment before deflating, "You don't believe it?"

She marveled at how smart her son could be when he was trying to be. She spoke as nicely as she could, "I don't not believe you. I'll admit; this morning I was planning to say no. The letter is what changed my mind. I'm not saying it's false, but it does make sense."

He nodded, "I understand. I was skeptical at first, too"

How could you not be? They reached the outside, and the smell of salt overtook her. She inhaled deeply as Laenor greeted Seasmoke, who was already waiting.

"Ask about her father. See if it all lines up," she told her son. If this was just a random pretender, then the chances of them knowing about the wedding were slim. The wedding was too far away to be announced to the public. Only the people of Storm's End and Haystack Hall would know for now.

Laenor swept her into a hug, "Thank you, Mother. I can't explain how much this means to me. Us."

Rhaenys held her son tight, memorizing for the nth time how he felt in her arms, "I'll always be here for you, Laenor. I hope you know that."

He cleared his throat, pulling back, "Of course, I do. I hope you know the same of me as well."

She nodded, pretending not to see the tears in her son's eyes, "I do."

She watched him mount Seasmoke, her heart breaking as she watched her child get ready to leave her once again. This was easily her least favorite thing in the world.

He waved to her, waiting for her returning wave, before taking to the skies. She watched him until he was no longer visible before turning to walk back inside.

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