aegon IV

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 Rhaenyra left shortly after dropping the news on them to go talk to the guards. Aegon could feel the fury rushing through his veins. How fucking dare Viserys invite that dickhead? Sure, it wasn't official that her father was coming, but Viserys is a fucking idiot so Aegon would bet everything he has that he was going to be there.

The room was silent as each man took in Rhaenyra's words. His brother was practically seething in his seat, twisting the tip of his dagger deep into the table as he stared off into space. For once, Aegon couldn't find it in himself to poke fun at his brother for being emotional. Aegon himself wanted to punch a wall until his hand bled.

"He wouldn't try to take her back, would he?" Luke broke the silence.

Aegon's eyes fell shut as he bit back a snappish response. He could hear Aurora in his head, 'Luke's just a kid. Don't be so harsh on him.'

"He won't be able to, Luke. She's ours," Jace spoke for the brothers who were too angry to put their thoughts into words. Aegon would fall on his own sword before he let anyone take Aurora away from him. He had a feeling Aurora would have something to say about Aurora being taken away as well. She had been getting better about sticking up for herself. He, so badly, wanted to watch her stick a knife through her father's eye, even if it was wildly out of character for her to do such a thing.

"Does anyone even know what's supposed to be happening for the supposed 'festivities' we've all gathered here for?" Aegon asked. As far as he knew, no one knew what they had planned.

"Mother hasn't said," Jace told him, starting to pace; he did that when he was stressed.

"That's not odd to you?" Aegon questioned his nephew.

"Of course it is. What am I to do about it?" Jace defended himself.

Aegon didn't think Rhaenyra knew anything hence why she didn't tell them anything. He only wished she had asked her father what they had planned.

"We could ask?" Luke suggested. It drew the eyes of every other man in the room. Aegon hadn't thought of that. No one ever said he was the smart one.

"We'll ask later. At dinner," Jace concluded the conversation for now. Aegon groaned and slammed his head against the table. A family dinner. How fun.


Aegon thought it would be more fun to stick pins in his eyes than to sit with his extended family through dinner. Currently, he was lounging on Aurora's bed, trying to fake being sick so he wouldn't have to go.

Aurora laughed at him, "Egg, it'll be okay. You won't even be near him. I'll sit between you if you are."

Aegon groaned, "What if you went for both of us?"

"What if both of us went for both of us?" Aurora shot back.

"You're the worst," Aegon conceded.

Aurora came over and ran her hands through his hair, "In all seriousness, you don't have to come. I'll make up an excuse. You can stay here and wait for me to come back."

He leaned into her hand, "You're an idiot if you think I'm letting you go alone."

His eyes were shut so he couldn't see her smile, but he could hear it through her statement, "I won't be alone. Everyone else will be there."

He sat up, taking her hand in his, "It doesn't matter. I'm going."

She gave him the smile he knew she reserved for him, "Okay, Aegon. We'll go together."

Truthfully, he wanted to see the drama the dinner would bring up, but he didn't want to physically go. It would be harder to escape if he was actually there. He wasn't going to leave his family, though. He did promise to be at the dinner so they could find out just what was planned and how they would protect the woman they had all grown to adore.

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