~Day One Greenie~

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POV (Y/n)

I jolt awake gasping for air, coughing trying to get out the water that isn't there. I was awake by the jostled movement of my surroundings I try to look around but it is so dark, hardly any light at all. I try to identify something but the only thing that comes to mind is a thing 'elevator', I'm in an elevator. I hear the screams of animals all around me and I try to move away from them. What the hell is this nightmare? I attempt to stand, but the combination of a pulsing wave of nausea and the increasing speed of the elevator knocks me back down to my knees.

I close my eyes willing for this nightmare to be over when finally it jolts to a stop, and I am surrounded by red light. When the light cuts off fear creeps into me, what now? I look around thinking maybe there's a flashlight, but instead I hear the sound of gears moving and light from the outside world begins to pour down into the box. Rain follows suit and I lift my hand to shield my face from the rain falling in.

As my eyes adjust to the natural light and rain I notice figures surrounding the top of my box. The figures move quickly opening the gate-like doors to the top of my box. "It's a girl," I hear someone say in a hushed tone "well someone needs to go get her," I hear another. I furrow my brow in confusion, and with a deep breath stand to my feet. The boys above me quiet at my sudden movement, I walk towards the edge of the box where they're crowded. 

Without a word, I lift up my right hand silently asking for help. I feel someone's hand clasp around mine and I wrap my right hand around in turn, and I begin to pull myself out of the box. I stand on solid ground and lock eyes with the boy who just helped me out of the box, he's tall and lanky with deep brown eyes. "Day one greenie," he says in a British accent as he pats my back. I stare out seeing a large green plain with trees to one side, but the entire area is surrounded by giant stone walls. "Newt! Who gets the girl?" someone shouts out to the boy who helped me and I snap to them sending a bone-chilling glare.

"No one," I say in a quiet voice and the guy I assume to be Newt leads me away from the dumbfounded boys, but one seems to follow. He's tall with a much broader form than Newt he has blonde hair and light blue eyes, but his most outstanding feature is his thick furrowed brow. "Newt," I hear the boy call catching our full attention. "What is it, Gally? Can't you see I'm a little busy?" Newt asks the boy "Don't you think we should have a council meeting about this?" he questions gesturing towards me. 

The comment stings, but I focus on what has now become a theme. "Why would you need to have a council meeting about me?" I interject my voice laced with confusion, but I still try to sound pleasant. Judging by the look on Gally's face it was anything but "Because you're a girl," he states frankly the realization hits, and my eyes scan over the place in a frantic manner. This has to be a joke, but as I look at the faces and bodies I realize he's not lying. "We'll take you to Alby, he's our leader he'll help us figure out what to do," Newt tells me.

I feel my brow furrow again "decide what to do? Do about what?" I feel fear edge into my mind. "Relax, Greenie, we're not going to kill you," Gally says and I feel slight relief. As we enter into a rickety building that Newt calls homestead. "Alby!" Newt calls out and a dark-skinned boy comes out to greet us. I assumed it'd be a man, but this is a teenager just like the rest of us. "I'd like to introduce you to our new greenie," Newt says placing a hand on my back and slightly guiding me forward. 

"Hmm, in the two years I've been here there has never been a girl in the glade," Alby says looking into my eyes and when I stare back I can understand why he's the leader. Alby has a nature and wisdom to him that makes him seem older than the rest. "Do you remember your name greenie?" he asks me and I immediately open my mouth to laugh, but then the memory of a name is nowhere. I shake my head "No, why can't I remember my name?" I ask as I search for any shred of memory beyond waking up in that box.

"It's okay green bean, it just means you're like the rest of us. You'll get your name back in a day or so," he explains and I feel winded all of a sudden "Why am I here?" I ask looking between the three boys "I wish we knew, love, but we woke up in the box same as you," Newt explains with a shrug. I blink my eyes quickly hoping to wake up, but every time I open my eyes I'm still here. "Alby, we need to address the glade. The boys are getting ideas about her, and if we don't stop them now things will only escalate," Gally interrupts my questions to tell Alby.

Alby nods, "gather the boys and I'll talk to shebean here and figure out something," he orders and Newt and Gally exit the homestead. 

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now