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POV (Y/n)

-One Month in the glade-

After two weeks of training, I was eager to get into the maze. I felt ready, but Minho wanted to wait until after we got the new greenie. "How ya feel in your final hours as our greenie?" Tony asks as he runs with me and I shrug "thrilled!" I exclaim and he laughs, "bein the greenie ain't all bad," Tony shrugs "how long ago were you the greenie Tone?" I ask him "eight months," 

"See you can't remember," I tell him, our run is interrupted by a loud blaring echoing throughout the glade. I'm startled but the others look unphased, I follow Tony and the others toward the metal contraption. Gally meets up with us and pushes the two of us toward the front of the crowd. "What if it's another girl?" I whisper to Gally and he smiles at me "then Tony will get really jealous over competition for your best friend," he says and I have to fight back a laugh. When the box is at the top, I know even before the grated doors are open that it's a boy. 

But, when the grate doors are lifted I'm shocked at how young he is. The smell that's emitting out of the box is horrible and I know immediately the poor boy had klunked his pants. "Gally, go get him," I push and Gally furrows his brows as if insulted "you want me to go down there with the kid who klunked his pants?" he asks and I nod "he's terrified, Gal," I add. Gally sighs and finally lets go of my hand and jumps down into the box. "Hey kid, let's get you out of here," Gally says and the greenie only further backs into the corner trying to escape Gally. 

"Look," Gally says looking behind him to me "see that pretty girl, she's really worried about you, and if you come out, I promise she'll take real good care of you," Gally tells him coaxing him out. The curly-haired boy looks at me with wide eyes and I smile with a wave. He finally begins to move and Gally grabs hold of him hoisting him out. I go to the greenie quickly helping him to his feet, "holy shuck greenie, you klunked your pants?" one of the boys starts and I send a glare his way that could kill. "Slim it klunk for brains," I tell him ushering the bean sprout away.

I take him over to the bathhouse, "here you go bean sprout, though there are some showers go in and clean up and change clothes then I'll show you around okay?" I tell him and he nods not making eye contact obviously embarrassed. I stand guard on the other side of the curtain ready to chase off any gladers looking to make fun of the poor baby greenie. Instead of one of the usual slitheads, Gally enters instead. "How's he holding up?" he asks me and I shrug "as well as can be expected. How many have been sent up that young?" I ask thinking of the chubby young kid who can't be older than twelve. 

(Just want to add real quick that earlier in the story I said Gally was put into the maze at 13, but I'm aging that up to 14, we good? Good.) "Youngest I've ever seen," Gally says thinking of all the boys that'd been sent here in the last two years he'd been here. I sigh "watch out for him Gal. When I'm in the maze, make sure no one messes with him," I tell him as I hear the water turn off from the shower. "You good string bean?" I ask "yeah," I hear him call in a meek voice. When he comes out the other side I smile "You clean up nice bean sprout! By the way, I'm (Y/n), I was the greenie before you. This is Gally, my boyfriend, I know he looks scary but he's nice I promise," I tell the kid and he smiles at the two of us.

I stuck by the kid even during his tour, which Alby usually handles alone, but I felt like he needed me. Because I was so insistent Alby let me show him the sleeping area and I got to explain the jobs to him. Gally made his way to us and helped with my part of the tour. "So kid what do you think?" I asked and he looked out upon the glade. "It seems alright, but um when's dinner?" he asked "I like this kid," Gally says as he starts leading him over towards the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of Gally talking and guiding the young greenie. Even though this world was so suffocating, at this moment I felt free.

(Below is a picture of what I imagine Tony to look like, just wanted to include it.)


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Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now