~Settled on Shank~

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POV (Y/n)

After Alby handed me off to Newt, Newt showed me a little more of the glade. Where I'd sleep and glance at all the different jobs. "So wanna see where your soulmate works?" Newt jokes wiggling his eyebrow and I roll my eyes "don't call him that," I say looking around and Newt laughs at me. "No use in feeling awkward about it the whole shucking glade's talking about it," Newt reminds me and I sigh. "I just don't want to make a big deal out of this. I think we have bigger problems to worry about," I tell him and Newt rolls his eyes. 

"I'm just hoping you'll melt the stone heart of our captain Gally," Newt tells me and I look at him with a furrowed brow. "Hmm... and how do you expect me to do that? We're complete strangers you know that right? For shuck sake I don't even know my own name, what's he supposed to call me?" I ask and Newt laughs "Yes because that's the issue. Your name," "slim it," I tell him. Newt smiles at me and part of me is frustrated by it. I don't even know Gally, let alone like him. I'll admit he's attractive, but I can't worry about this right now. 

I'm still trying to figure out what's going on right now. Like why am I here? How do I get out? Do I have a family? So many more pressing questions than does he like me? My eyes do drift to look for the blonde boy though, and this sends Newt into another fit of laughter. Causing me to shove him a little, and when he falls to the ground in laughter I feel a blush cover my face. "Shank," I cal Newt frustrated with him and he pauses for a second.

"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't know what a shank is," Newt states. "Well thank you for telling me, shank," I state spinning on my heels right into a broad chest and a comforting scent. Without pulling away I know exactly who it is, Gally. Of course, it is. "What's going on here?" Gally asks and Newt stands slinging an arm around my shoulders "just teasing your first mate here, Captain Gally," Newt says rubbing a hand on top of my head causing me to scowl at him. I fight the urge to look at Gally knowing it'll cause a blush to surge through me and that's the last thing I want.

"Well, that doesn't mean she can shove you. You got it shebean? Didn't Alby tell you the rules?" he looks at me with a hard glare and when I meet his gaze the blush skyrockets to my face. "Got it, Captain," I say using the nickname that Newt used. Newt stifles a laugh and I grin feeling victorious when a blush creeps onto Gally's ears. Gally storms off and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Soulmates are odd," Newt says and I nod in reply.

When the bonfire rolled around I stuck to Newt like glue. I didn't want to be left alone in this new reality quite yet, and it seemed like Newt didn't mind. He went through pointing out the different groups and what jobs they fit into, and I nodded along committing faces and jobs to memory. My brain was eager for some memories, and I was happy to oblige. "Tomorrow you'll start rotating through the jobs, and although I want to put you with Gally and the builders immediately, I won't. Alby said to treat you like the rest of us, so you'll start in the gardens with me and the keeper Zart. 

"You're not a keeper, but you're second in command?" I ask Newt confused and he nods "I work wherever I'm needed and right now I'm needed to ensure you're pulling your weight," Newt tells me "I can pull my weight," I tell him "if I'm here I'll do what I can to make this place a home," Newt smiles at that "well that's good to hear, now let's introduce you to some of the guys," Newt pushes. 

"This is Zart keeper of the gardeners, Tony fellow gardener, Jacob a builder, and Ryan a slicer," Newt introduces me to a group of guys close by and I give a soft smile. "So excited to find a job?" Tony asks a guy with black hair and a rather large soulmate tattoo, a thick line reaching down his forearm. To my surprise Jacob the builder has the same marking them as soulmates. "I just hope I fit in somewhere," I laugh and Tony nods "it'll take a while to feel like you fit in anywhere, but you're one of us now, so try not to stress too much," 

"Did you all know you wanted to be in your jobs right away?" I ask and Jacob lets out an obnoxious laugh "No! I was a good builder, but there was no way I wanted to work with Gally. They made me stay there," he says and I laugh with him "That's because you were clunk at everything else," Newt told him I laugh with them and felt a little more at peace seeing that the boys here weren't all hormonal monsters. As I laugh I can feel a pair of eyes on my and I turn to see Gally warming up for something but his eyes are locked onto me. 

"Looks like the shows about to start," Ryan says pointing and nodding his head towards Gally. "What show?" I ask them and we all start moving closer towards Gally, and as we get closer I notice he's standing in a circle of dirt sectioned off by stones and twigs. There's someone else in the circle as well a tall asian guy with slick black hair. "Looks like he's fighting Minho first," Zart says and I remember the name "Minho, that's the keeper of the runners isn't it?" I ask looking to the five boys surrounding me and they nod.

I watch eager to see the showdown between the keepers, and when they begin it's obvious why Minho is a runner. He's quick on his feet and Gally can't seem to grab him, but Newt was wrong that builders don't have a lot going on upstairs. Gally swings his feet out tripping Minho up not enough for him to eat dirt, but enough to slow him. Gally moves quickly pulling him down by grabbing his ankle. Minho hits the ground hard and as he attempts to catch his breath Gally stands, and waits when Minho stands Gally leaves nothing to chance. 

He shoves Minho hard sending him right into us, and Minho groans but with a smile. "You're good Gally," he tells the builder and I smile my eyes looking to the circle. Gally's eyes meet mine and raises an eyebrow "Who's next?" he calls out but his eyes are locked on mine, a challenge. I step forward eager, "you sure about this greenie? I won't go easy on you just cause you're my soulmate," he tells me and I laugh "You'll be wishing I'd go easy on you after you see my moves," I tell him talking a big game. 

He smirks "I promise I'm not as easy to shove as our second in command," he tells me shoving his head in Newt's directions behind me and I shrug. "I wouldn't be so sure," I tell him as I charge forward, Gally braces, but I don't plan to tackle him. I remember how he stands and dive in between his legs sliding on my knees, and I can feel jagged rocks nick my knees. I move quick through the pain though and stand and shove Gally down from behind. He hits the ground with a thud and snarls slightly in frustration.

When he stands I hope I'm as fast as Minho because I gotta run. Unfortuanetly I'm no runner and Gally grabs me by my shirt and tosses my to the ground and I'm right on the edge of the circle. I swallow trying to shake it off and when I look at him he's smirking and I can't help but smile back. He begins coming closer as I lay on the ground, and I decide to take a page from his playbook. I grab his ankle and pull, when he hits the ground he lets out a hiss of pain and I let my heart lead instead of my mind.

When I come closer to make sure he's okay he uses it to his advantage. He grabs my ankle and pulls it right out from under me. When my head hits the ground my vision spots, and I gasp hard for breath. I lie on the ground for to long and I hear a distant voice say Gally's won, but I feel a million miles away.


It feels like a whisper, and I hear it in Gally's voice. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now