~Things Are Changing~

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POV (Y/n)

-2 Months in the Glade-

Today I ran alone in the maze, but I planned to catch up with Tony and Minho on the way back. "I guess sectors three and four do connect," I say aloud looking at the giant number three. I quickly note it down in my runner's log, and then I turn to get out of the maze. When I get close to the doors Tony comes up behind me, and I can see Minho just jogging into the glade. "Nearly beat ya, donna!" Tony claims coming up behind me and I laugh.

"In your dreams, Tony!" I tell him as I speed up toward the glade, and my smile widens at my usual handsome sight of Gally standing arms crossed waiting for me. "Look who it is! It's my favorite slithead!" I shout out as I continue towards him, Gally fights a smirk as he furrows his brow "Now, what was that princess?" he asks me and I just crash into him hugging him tightly. "I just missed you," I tell him and he laughs lightly "I missed you too," he tells me placing a kiss on top of my head.

"Did the greenie come up?" I quiz and Gally nods "you should have seen Chuck. He about had a party with no one calling him greenie," Gally tells me, and I laugh at the idea "so where is the bean sprout?" I ask him and Gally points toward where they're setting up for the bonfire. "He said that he needed to help out and 'be a man'," Gally tells me doing finger quotes around 'be a man'. "I'm glad he's happy. Whatcha think of the new greenie?" I ask him and Gally only shrugs "just like all the rest, another slithead to join the bunch," Gally shrugs and I laugh. "Who are you calling slithead, slithead?" I quiz and Gally rolls his eyes.

When the bonfire finally rolled around I was able to meet the new greenie myself. He has had handsome dark features brown eyes, hair, and skin. He had a strong frame and looked like he'd end up being a builder with Gally. "Greenie, this is (Y/n) the girl of the glade, but watch out she's Gally's soulmate," Newt tells him and I roll my eyes "nice to meet you greenie," I greet reaching out to shake hands with the greenie. I noticed him looking towards Gally in the fighting circle "him?" he asks jeering a thumb towards Gally.

I nod with a smile, "yep, that's the one and only," I state happily. I sit with Newt and the greenie for a while, and Newt pulls out Gally's drink not to long after we sit. After about two drinks I fall into a fit of laughter, everything much funnier than I remember. Then one of the boys starts up the radio. I smile and see my favorite been sprout "Chuck!" I shout to him and he whips his curly mop towards me. 

"Come dance with me!" I tell him grabbing onto his hand and pulling him towards me. I let my body move on it's own enjoying the feeling of being free. (I was going to add a video of how I thought she'd be dancing, but nothing I found worked so use your imagination.) 

Gally's POV

After pushing Mason out of the circle, I look to where (Y/n) was sitting. She usually smiles at me and congratulates me, but instead I see her and Chuck by the bonfire. I can't tear my eyes away from her "I'm done with the circle," I state walking away, but I can hear the shouts of the other gladers. I can hear her humming slightly as she dances, when I approach her I can't help but hold my hand out to her. I twist her around and dance with her with a smile, I can tell she's drunk by the red flush covering her cheeks. 

"I love you," I whisper down to (Y/n) as she dances her eyes closing in happiness. "I love you Gally," she says back opening her eyes.

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now