~This Is Our Home~

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POV (Y/n)

-1 Month and 15 days-

When I wake up in Gally's arms I smile softly, it never gets easier to leave his warm embrace in the mornings. After our swim, Gally was in my room much more than his own, and I think at this point he should just move in. I attempt to wiggle out of his grasp but he holds me in place "not yet," he grumbles exhaustion dripping from his words and I smile and try harder to free myself. "Gally, come on, I gotta go and meet up with the runners," I tell him and he grumbles more, but this time relinquishes his hold on me. I sigh exiting his embrace because his embrace always feels like home. 

Although he never has to he rolls out of the hammock too. He rubs his eyes roughly attempting to push the exhaustion away "you're gonna gauge out your eyes if you rub any harder," I tell him sarcastically and he responds in kind "that's the plan princess," and I roll my eyes at the remark. We dress and leave my hut quickly much to Gally's annoyance, and I smile when I see Tony and his other half waiting for us. "Jacob? How did we get so lucky to be graced by your presence this morning?" I ask with a laugh and Jacob rolls his eyes. 

"Ya know, I think being cranky in the morning is a builder trait," Tony jokes and I can't help but agree with him. "Excited to finally run with me, donna?" Tony asks and I roll my eyes (donna is Italian for women, according to google translate at least.) "you mean run laps around you?" I retort and he smiles at me. We eat breakfast laughing and joking and even sometimes poking fun at our sweet sleepy boyfriends. When Minho stands we follow suit just the same as every day. A quick hug and a kiss and we head off into the maze. 

As we run we talk, but only in small bursts, "so why did Jacob join us this morning?" I quiz and Tony blushes more than just from the run. "ooh... I got a feeling two somebodies weren't in their own hammocks last night," I tease, and Tony laughs "don't act so innocent, donna. The whole glade knows Gally's been sleeping in your hut. If only walls could talk," he says causing me to laugh as we slow to a stop "I told you, it was only the first night. Now he sleeps there for comfort," I shrug struggling to find the right words.

"Yeah, I get it plus, sex in those hammocks? No way they have no durability," he adds and I blush "you're such a sweet girl donna. How you ended up with a soulmate like captain Gally, I'll never know," he says and I shove his arm. "He's sweet, just not to you," I tell him and he furrows his brows "why not to me? I'm a wonderful guy, ask anybody," he tells me and I chuckle taking out our lunches. "Cause you are..." I trail off looking for the word Tony himself had taught me "idiota," I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"You know it loses the sting when you have to pause to find the word," he jabs and I shove his shoulder again "slim it," I tell him as I eat my sandwich. We pause in our conversation to write down everything we can about the path we'd be going down today when something screeches in the distance causing us to jump. "Tony," I whisper looking in the direction of the noise "run," I say as we grab up what we need and bolt back towards the glade. 

I feel a cold sweat start out of fear across my skin, my heartbeat only continues to pick up pace as I hear metal legs clamber onto the ground after us. We take every twist and turn in harsh violent movements and I can see Tony slowing down. "Go, Tony!" I shout at him causing him to push himself harder. Even when the clicking of metal legs is long gone we stay full sprint. When the glade is finally in view my heart leaps in my chest.

We stop as soon as we enter back into the glade clutching at our chest and coughing from burning lungs. Gally and Jacob jog over to us noticing our distress "what happened?" Gally asks nervously and I look up meeting his eyes. "We were being chased, by a griever," I tell him fear still clutching at my heart, and I can see the fear flicker in his eyes as he pulls me into his embrace. "You're taking your rest day tomorrow," Gally orders, and I for once don't argue with him as I wallow in his embrace.

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now