~Keeper Of The Builders~

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POV (Y/n)

Once we entered the bathhouse I began to feel shy. We were only at the entrance where you grabbed clean clothes before going in. "Stay here," Gally says before going past the curtain inside "Get out now!" I hear Gally shout from the other side and a few boys dart in front of me to run out of the bath house. They're all in various states of dressed and undressed, and I look away quickly. Gally comes back to the other side of the curtain holding it open for me, "thanks," I tell him and he only nods in return. 

On this side, I see six small cubicles to shower in, unfortunately, none have a curtain to hide behind. I set my clean clothes on the shelf and then turn to look at Gally. "Can you turn around?" I ask not wanting to change in front of the keeper of the builders. He turns without a word but I see a blush creep up his neck. "I'll make sure no one comes anywhere close to opening this curtain," he states and I smile satisfied and for some reason I trust him. Not because he's my soulmate but because he's genuine.

I start undressing and I can't help but blush furiously knowing Gally is only a few feet away. I steal a glance over towards Gally who hasn't moved, but I notice the red on his neck and ears. I turn the nossel to the shower and the water starts flowing immediately "Um just so you know the water doesn't heat up or anything. We don't have the equipment," Gally says over his should and when I look at him to make sure he's not looking I notice his eyes are firmly shut. "Thanks Gally," I say as I step under the water. 

Although I was warned the water takes me by surprise, it isn't cold but a lukewarm. Warmed by the sun and the temperature around it. I begin washing my body with the plain smelling soap in the stall while my hair soaks, and I can see the blood coming out of it and circling the drain. "I bled a lot more than a thought last night," I say mostly to myself and I reach my hand to touch the spot and hiss in pain at the contact. "You alright greenie?" I hear Gally ask "yeah, fine," I tell him pulling my hand away.

I wash my hair quickly wishing to be out of this situation as quickly as possible. As I step out and turn off the water I realize what I'd done, more like what I hadn't done. There sat my clean clothes with of course no towel. "Gally. I forgot a towel," I say dread in every word "okay," he says not questioning a thing as he crosses to the other side of the curtain to grab me a towel. When he's back on the other side his eyes are closed tight trying hard to let me keep my privacy.

He's cute the way he attempts to walk towards me taking timid short steps unsure of where he's going. I begin walking towards him to meet halfway and he bumps into my body. He jumps back and drops the towel both hands flying to cover his eyes "sorry, there's the towel," he says nudging it with his foot. I laugh quietly as I grab the towel and quickly wrap it around my body. "What are you laughing at?" he asks roughly "I'm sorry but you're cute like this," I tell him as I continue drying my body. He scoffs and turns back around resuming his former post.

"You better not go around telling anyone about this. I got a reputation to uphold," he tells me and now it's my turn to scoff. "Telling people you were nice to me will hurt your reputation?" I quiz and I see him nod "people think you gotta soft spot and they'll walk all over ya. My guys work harder because they know I won't put up with any slacking, but they think I like you or something they'll all try to take advantage of me," he goes on and I roll my eyes as I pull on my clothes.

"I think you're overthinking it Gally. They're good guys some of them if you give them the chance they might surprise you and you might even gain some friends," I tell him "I've got friends (Y/n)," he responds back I pass by in front of him showing him I'm done as we head out the bath house. "Sure you do, friends that hardly joke with you in fear you'll hold it against them," I tell him and he furrows his brow. "How do you know anything greenie? You've only been here barely two days," he bites back.

I shrug "call it soulmates intuition," I tell him with a wink as I start to comb my fingers gently through my damp hair. I attempt to pull the (l/h) into a ponytail or something to keep it out of my face, but strands and pieces fall out at every move. "Stay still," Gally orders swatting away my hands as he makes quick work securing my hair back. "Get to the gardens greenie!" he tells me before stalking off away from me. 

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now