~Rules Are The Only Thing That Have Ever Held Us Together~

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POV (Y/n)

I stand behind Alby as boys begin to file into the homestead. They all were soaked from the rain outside but seemed not to mind.I felt nervous under the gaze of so many but refused to show it so I mimicked the most intimidating people in the room. Gally and Alby both stood arms crossed over their chest with their legs spread out a shoulder length apart, so I matched them. I don't furrow my brows my keep an unreadable look on my features. "Okay, listen up!" Alby shouts over the den of murmurs in the homestead. The boys fall silent and all attention turns to Alby and me.

"We all know that the greenie is a girl, and I think that doesn't change a thing. But, I've heard you slintheads think she's a present for ya, suppose to be the girl of the glade. She's not, she's no different than any of you, she's a glader and just like any other relationship in the glade this one will be no different. Shebean must agree to any relationship, but she's gotta rule. You have to be her soulmate," Alby tells the boys some roll their eyes and others sigh in defeat. I notice a few boys eyes attempt to look at my left wrist to see the soulmate mark. 

It's covered by a thick brown leather bracelet that I had on in the box. I haven't even looked at the mark, but I know I'll have to show it to get them all off of my back. Alby looks to me, it's my turn to take the floor, not to say anything but to show my mark. Alby thought getting it out of the way now would save some hassle for me later on. We just hoped no one would be my soulmate. As romantic as it sounded, I had bigger problems than finding my soulmate. 

I do as I'm told though and step in front of Alby closer to the boys and I begin to unfasen the bracelet. Once it's off I let my eyes steal a second to look over the ink that has always been with me although I can't remember. Weird swirling lines, and I have to fight the urge to touch them, but instead I lift my wrist high in the air facing the boys. They're quiet for only a moment, "That's Gally's mark!" one errupts and many others join in a panic.

I'm shocked and my eyes quickly turn to the tall broad boy, but instead of shock in his eyes I see furrow brows whether in confusion or anger. Alby hides his own shock and shrugs lifting up a hand to silence the boys. "Whatever happens between Gally and the greenie is their business, dismissed," he calls out and with that many leave the homestead. The first one out the doors into the rain is Gally, and I can't help but let my eyes follow him with shock and confusion. 

"Well shebean let's start your tour," Alby says clapping a hand on my shoulder. I nod eager for a distraction from the new trial in my life. Alby and I exit out of the homestead last and the rain is a pleasentry from the humid air inside the homestead. Alby takes long strides expecting me to follow and it's all I can do to keep pace. "So as you've probably gathered this is the glade, we eat, sleep, and work here. Everything we need comes up in the box, the rest is up to us. The box comes up once a month with fresh supplies and a new greenie, this month that's you, congratulations," he tells me and I look at the box confused.

"Who put us here?" I ask looking to Alby for an answer and he doesn't falter expecting the question "that we don't know, what I do know is we're here now and we have to make the best of it. Newt from earlier he's my second in command, if I'm not around you answer to him. I hope you're not afraid of heights," Alby tells me gesturing towards the tower next to us. It was slick with water but I begin climbing behind Alby anyways "I'm not afraid of anything," I tell him without another thought. 

When we reach the top the glade looks peaceful with the rain misting over everything. From the climb to the top I can feel my hair starting to cling to my face. "This is all we got, we worked hard for it. You respect this place you and I will get along just fine," Alby explains and I nod looking out over my new home, but my eyes settle on the stone walls. "What's beyond the walls?" I question and Alby turns to face the wall. He thinks for a minute before speaking "we only have three rules, first, do your part, we don't have time for any freeloaders. Second, never harm another glader! None of this works unless we have trust. Most importantly never go beyond those walls, you understand?" he questions.

"I understand, but that doesn't answer my question," I tell him determined to get an answer but wondering if I really want one. "Trust me, if you're lucky you'll never need to know," he says brushing me off without another word. I sigh leaving it alone for now, "Hey Alby," we hear Newt call from below the tower and I smile at the kind familiar face.

 I sigh leaving it alone for now, "Hey Alby," we hear Newt call from below the tower and I smile at the kind familiar face

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Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now