~Still Think I'm Overreacting~

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POV (Y/n)

-1 Year and 3 Days in the Glade-

I finally leave my bed in the medjack hut at the sound of the maze doors. I move towards Chuck who stands with a crowd of others prying for the return of our missing three. I can't help but hope to see them walk through as well. Minho is my friend, Alby is my leader, and Thomas may just be my brother. I can see the doors yawn open and the boys begin to walk away with downcast expressions. As I come upon it though I see three figures begin to come into view.

"Hey, guys!" I exclaim bringing on the cheers of Chuck and a few other gladers as we move to the three boys exiting the maze. I can see Alby's body is limp in Minho and Thomas's arms. They caution the others as they move to lay Alby on the ground carefully, and we cradle the leader with care. "What happened out there?" I ask my eyes leaving Alby's to look toward the maze ahead. "Did you see a griever?" Chuck adds and Thomas nods hesitantly "Yeah I saw one," he answers and Minho looks up to lock eyes with me. 

"He didn't just see it, he killed it," Minho tells me and a smile finds its way to my features quickly at the news. "Damn Thomas," I tell him in a form of congratulations, but we are soon ushered to the homestead by none other than Gally. 

"Things are changing, there's no denying that. First Ben gets stung in broad daylight... and then Alby. And now our greenie here has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here," Gally tells the glade and Frypan gives a slight shrug "Yeah, but he saved Alby's life," Fry offers in Thomas's defense against Gally.

"Not to mention he killed a griever in the process," I add "did he? And for three years, we have coexisted with these things, and now you've killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us?" Gally announces obviously skeptical of the benefits of killing a griever. "Well, what do you suggest we do?" Newt asks, now being our leader since Alby is out of commission. "He has to be punished," Gally states plainly causing me to scoff. "Punished? What part of he killed the one thing we fear most did you not get?" I ask angrily.

I can feel the eyes going between Gally and me the tension could be cut with a knife "yeah and how do you think the other grievers will feel about that?" Gally asks with a condescending look and I glare "hopefully it'll keep them in hell where they belong," I tell him "cut it out you two," Newt orders and then turns his gaze towards Minho. "Minho, you were there with him. What do you think?" Newt asks Minho who'd stayed silent since announcing Thomas's feat back in the maze. 

"I think, in all the time we've been here no one's ever killed a griever before. When I turned tail and ran, this dumb shank stood behind to help Alby. Look, I don't know if he's brave or stupid, but whatever it is we need more of it. I say we make him a runner," Minho announces causing me to smile and look at Thomas as everyone erupts in an uproar over the idea. "If you want to throw the newbie a parade, that's fine.  Go ahead, but if there is one thing that I know about the maze, it is that you do not--" Gally is interrupted by a shocking sound.

The box.

He stops abruptly and we all head toward the box in a panic. This is too early, this shouldn't be happening I think as Newt, Gally, and I, exchange looks looking down at the box before opening it up. When we do I can't help but jump in out of shock and eagerness at what I see. "(Y/n), what do you see?" Fry asks as he approaches the box himself, but he doesn't need an answer. "It's a girl," I tell them looking up to meet Gally's eyes.

When I look back down at her she is still unlike any of us who have come up in the box. "I think she's dead," I announce coaching down next to her "what's in her hand?" Gally asks eyebrows furrowed looking at the girl with hard eyes. I look at her hand and see paper crumbled in her palm. I pry open her fingers which are still warm but seem wet with sweat, I unfold the paper and read aloud "she's the last one ever," "what the hell does that mean?" Newt asks.

We are all pulled out of our thoughts by the sudden gasping of the girl laying on the box floor. "Thomas!" She gasps out before her eyes flutter back closed, and all eyes go to Thomas who is as confused as any of us. "You still think I'm overreacting?" Gally asks me and I look down to the girl without an answer. Who is she? Is all I can think as I look down at her.

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