~This is All on You~

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POV (Y/n)

-1 month and 22 Days-

I was taking a rest day, not because I was exhausted but because I was scared. Nightmares had replaced my dreams recently flashes of Tony and I being chased by the griever, Avery attacking me, and sometimes Avery becomes Tony. Gally had taken note of my nightmares and done what he could to comfort me, but it made my job as a runner much harder. I love my job, but the very idea of coming face-to-face with a griever terrifies me to my very core. It always seemed like an impossibility until now.

I stand in the kitchen with Fry occasionally grabbing this or that for him, trying to make myself useful, but not doing a very good job of it. I then go to see Chuck my little bean sprout, "hey bean sprout!" I call to the boy shoveling out the animal pens. As I get closer to him the glade dog Bark runs up to greet me, causing a smile to find its way onto my face. "hey (Y/n)!" Chuck shouts nearing closer to me "wanna help me give Bark a bath?" he asks excitedly his infectious smile spreading to my face "of course Chuck," I tell him.

Chuck goes to get the soap and I lead Bark to the pond that causes a blush to coat the tops of my ears. When Chuck comes up with buckets and soap I smile "(Y/n), I gotta idea!" he exclaims running to me. "What is it, Chuck?" I ask as I pet the top of Bark's head "let's prank Gally!" he beams and I laugh hard "how?" I ask and Chuck stops bracing himself to divulge his master plan. "After we wash Bark we can scoop up some of the dirty pond water, and I can go distract Gally, while you sneak up behind him and pour the water on him," Chuck explains and I smile at the boy.

"You're a genius Chuck," I tell him and we set into motion the plan by washing Bark. "Go, ahead and distract Gally, I think I saw him over at homestead I'll be there in five minutes," I tell him, and off he goes sending me a sneaky smile "this is going to be awesome," Chuck snickers running off. I scoop up the water and follow after him after a minute or two. I look around and see Gally talking to the curly-haired boy not too far away. 

I move quickly toward the pair, and I can see Chuck fighting off a smile as I get closer. "Chuck, what do you want me to do about it?" Gally asks in a harsh tone obviously tired of whatever nonsense conversation that Chuck had wrapped him up in. Chuck steps back slightly as I toss the bucket onto Gally, who all but steams with rage. "Who in the hell!" he erupts spinning around to see me laughing my ass off, and Chuck has already hit the ground in a fit of laughter. "You!" Gally shouts realizing it's me "You're gonna get it!" he shouts and begins chasing after me. 

I laugh as I run, and I know that if I don't want him to he'll never catch me. That doesn't stop him from trying. When I finally slowed enough for Gally to catch up he tackles me to the ground rubbing the stench of sweat and dirty dog water onto me, and I laugh attempting to get free. "How do you like it?" he asks "stop you smelling shank," I tell him attempting to push him off but knowing I can't. He laughs "oh no, you're not getting away that easy," he tells me with happiness laced into every word, and I make a mental note to prank Gally more often. 

Once Gally finally left me go we both head to the bathhouse to clean off the smell of sweat and dog. I find myself drifting into a nap after my shower and I let sleep overtake me as I lay in my hammock. 

I'm running through the maze and I see Tony not too far ahead of me so I pick up speed. "Tony, we should be heading back," I call out to him, but Tony doesn't budge, only his head twitches in response to my words. I slow down as I approach him. "Tony?" I ask hoping for a better response as my hand falls onto his shoulder, but he feels cold. Tony turns violently black veins web up and down his neck and he lunges at me. 

I jolt awake violently, sweat dripping off of me. Gally turns to me from his place in the hut "hey, you're okay," he soothes coming closer to cup my face and look into my eyes. "It's okay," he tells me again and I shake my head. "Gally, distract me," I plead and he looks confused for a minute and then opens the drawer that he'd claimed to pull out two sheets of paper. "I wrote you something," he tells me clearing his voice.

I feel tears prickling the corners of my eyes as I hear Gally sing to me. When he finishes I can't help but crash my lips into his and feel overwhelmed with love for him. "I love you, Gally," I tell him and he smiles "I love you, (y/n)."

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