~Time To Go~

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POV (Y/n)

-8 Months and 12 Days-

I had finally gotten used to the routine of running a pointless maze. Since Tony resigned I'd been running with Minho, and on the plus side, I get two rest days now. Currently, I was using one of those two days to spend some much-needed time with Gally. We were currently plotting Gally's revenge prank on my little bean sprout. Apparently, Chuck had been pranking Gally left and right, and they'd entered some kind of prank war. "I got it, Gally, you can get him where it hurts. Dessert," I told him and Gally furrows his brow.

"You'll borrow some garlic and chocolate from Frypan, and coat the garlic in chocolate. You'll offer it to Chuck as chocolate-covered peanuts say it's a truce," I offer and he laughs "borrow food? From Fry?" he asks and I laugh "borrow... without asking," I explain further and Gally smirks "he's gonna kill me," Gally tells me crossing his arms and I shrug. "Only if you're caught, Gal. Only if you're caught. Now come on," I urge and he sighs "okay, I'll meet up with you after," he tells me kissing my lips quickly before heading off to the kitchen.

I would help, but Gally's not the only boy in my life. I look for Tony and struggle to find him, but I am able to locate Jacob "Hey Jacob, where's Tony at?" I ask him and Jacob looks distressed "sleeping quarters," is all he tells me and I can't help but worry about Tony. I head towards the sleeping quarters and find Tony relatively fast. He isn't asleep I notice as I approach but he's staring up at the sky with bloodshot eyes. His usual spark is dim and he seems far away, "Tony, hey, are you okay?" I ask and he moves quickly startled by my words.

When he sits up and his eyes meet mine I know right away, he's not. He's not the type to let you see him cry but I can see the tears brimming in his eyes "(Y/n), I'm not," he tells me and I move to his side in a heartbeat, sitting beside him in his hammock. "What's going on?" I ask my hand on his shoulder attempting to comfort him. "I can't sleep, every time I close my eyes I see them. The grievers, they're gonna come for us (Y/n)," he tells me and I worry immediately. "Tone, the grievers have never come into the glade. Why would they start now?" I ask him and he shrugs. "They've never been seen this much either," he tells me not meeting my gaze.

"Come on, let's go for a walk," I tell him pulling him from his hammock, he doesn't argue and follows beside me as we walk through the glade. "Tony, you can't let this get inside your head. We'll find a way out," I tell him trying to comfort him and he shakes his head "how (Y/n)? You know as well as I do that all the sectors lead to dead ends," he tells me his voice rising. "Tony, just cause their dead ends now don't mean they'll always be. The maze changes, and one day we'll get out," I tell him and he stays quiet. I can tell he's abandoned all hope and I feel helpless in my pursuit to cheer him up.

"It wouldn't be so bad if we were trapped here ya know," I tell him changing my angle and Tony looks at me confused. "You have Jacob, and me, and there's nothing we want for," I tell him as I look out on the glade and Tony smiles a small smile as he does the same. I know there's a whisper of the word freedom that lingers in the air but we ignore it. "Gally!" we hear Frypan roar as Gally runs from the kitchen. We laugh together and I feel like I've done something to finally help Tony. "What's that all about, donna?" Tony asks and I smile at the nickname "a prank war between Gally and Chuck. Gally's just having to borrow a few things from Fry," I explain and Tony laughs slightly under his breath.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to Gally, ya know that," Tony tells me and I shake my head "that's just who he is. You shanks just don't know how to bring it out of him," I joke and Tony laughs lowly "yeah cause we don't seduce him," Tony tells me and I lightly hit his shoulder "slim it," I say as we sit under a tree on the edge of the dead heads. We stay there until dinner and we head for the mess hall. "Do you have the goods?" I ask Gally in a whisper as I approach him and he smiles opening his hand to reveal the chocolate-covered garlic.

I smile back as we approach the young bean sprout, "Chuck, (Y/n) here has convinced me to a truce. So, here's a peace offering or whatever," Gally says tossing the disgusting treat to the child. Chuck looks at it with wonder "deal!" he shouts right before putting the whole handful in his mouth. His face rises and falls quickly his face souring in disgust before turning to spit the garlic out onto the ground. "What in the hell was that?" Chuck asks holding his stomach like he's gonna puke. Gally shrugs with a smirk "revenge," he tells the kid, and Chuck gags dramatically "I could have died!" he tells Gally who rolls his eyes "no you wouldn't have," I tell him ruffling his curly locks.

Gally and Chuck jokingly bicker throughout dinner, and I look at Tony and Jacob who seem to be in a weird mood. I want to say something, but know Tony is having a hard time right now, and I don't want to draw attention. When dinner ends Tony comes to hug me "Thanks for today donna. It's time for me to go but I love ya," Tony tells me and I smile at him "I love you too Tony, and sleep well tonight. Remember what I said and I'll see you in the morning, I'll touch base before going into the maze," I tell him wrapping him into a quick hug.

"Okay," is all Tony says as he starts off towards the sleeping quarters. I smile towards him and I then go to find Jacob, "watch over Tony. I know there's a lot he's not telling you right now, but he just needs you to be there for him," I tell him making sure Jacob understands maybe a little better on how to comfort him. "Ready for bed, Princess?" Gally asks slinging an arm around me "yeah, it's been a long day,"

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