~Then Alby~

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POV (Y/n)

-1 Year and 3 Days in the Glade-

I do my best to stay away from everyone in the glade, but it seems impossible as I hear footsteps approaching me at Tony's grave. "Who's there?" I ask turning my head away from the handcrafted headstone. "It's just me," Jacob calls approaching me and I feel stiff seeing the boy his wrist is illuminated by the moonlight which makes my heart sink. When a soulmate dies or you refuse them or vice versa it fades to a gray color. Jacob's is supposed to be a gray color, but instead has jagged white scars cutting through it.

Jacob sits across from me in between Tony and George's graves. "You know, Tony and I use to come out here to keep George company. Tony always felt sad leaving graves alone, and he had never even met George. Tony just felt like it was lonely," Jacob says looking at the drink in his hand which I have no doubt is Gally's special recipe. "Now they'll keep each other company forever," Jacob continues "poetic I guess," I add looking at Tony's name etched into the wood that's his headstone.

Jacob laughs at my words "poetic, never a word I'd have used for Tony or George in life," Jacob tells me and I can't help but nod in agreement. Tony was a lot of things poetic was not one. "You should head back, donna. You the greenie and Minho have to be up early," Jacob says unintentionally wounding me with the nickname. "I just wanted to see how he was doing," I say stupidly and Jacob laughs again obviously intoxicated "he's dead, (Y/n). He's not doing good," and I feel sad for Jacob. I might have lost a best friend, but that's his soulmate and you can never have another one of those. 

I nod knowing there's nothing I can say, and eventually stand to leave. I can't crawl into my hammock quick enough when I enter Gally and I's hut. 

-1 Year and 4 Days in the Glade-

I wake up entangled in Gally's arms a hard thing to pull away from, but I do. I know he feels me leave but for once he refuses to move out of the hammock to send me off as he has so many mornings before. I sigh and kiss his temple "I love you, Gally," I tell him, and he shifts but doesn't reply. I meet up with Minho and we go straight to the pits where Thomas sits up ready to spring into action. "Big day greenie, sure you don't want to sit this one out?" Minho asks and Thomas shakes his head "come on man, get me out of here," he urges and we quickly undo the pit door to let him out.

We waste no time heading for the maze doors as they open to us. "Let's go!" Minho lets out as we head deep inside the maze Minho shouts occasional directions to Thomas. We go through sectors five, six, and seven as we run. When we get to seven I can't help but remember my last run with Tony through seven. As we stop at seven I look at the number with furrowed brows "Minho, seven's not supposed to be open for another week," I say, and Minho nods "something weird is going on," he adds.

"This has never happened before?" Thomas asks looking at me and I shake my head "the maze is like a clock, predictable, and never varies from its schedule. Minho and I have run every inch ourselves and I've never seen it have three sectors open at once," I explain as we continue through. "What the hell is this place?" Thomas asks looking ahead to the long thin metal walls "we call 'em blades," Minho explains as we jog through them. Not far through and we find a blood-stained tank top and ripped shorts that make my heart break.

"It's Ben's isn't it," Thomas says looking at the mess of fabric "yep," I say popping the 'p' and looking away "a griever must have pulled him down here," Minho explains and we hear the pulse of a device come alive. Thomas quickly turns Minho and rips the device we'd found inside the griever out, and it's obvious that it's the source of the noise. He moves slowly testing the noise it makes. Depending on where he goes depends on the level of the noise. "I think it's showing us the way," Thomas tells us and we begin following Thomas and the device. "Wait, wait, wait," Thomas says stopping and staring at the device "What?" Minho asks looking around on vigilant for grievers.

Thomas moves slightly causing the device to click louder "this way, come on," he tells us and starts back on the invisible path. We go straight to the dead end Tony and I had gone to before, but the wall we'd come to was now gone. Instead, there was a long walkway with a deep abyss on either side. We approached the wall at the end and I sigh frustrated "it's just another dead end," I grumble and then the click of gears begins along with the whine of the device in Thomas's hands. I can see the walls ahead rising and a hole opening to us and I feel shocked. I can't help but look to Thomas, who made this possible.

"You sure about this?" Minho asks Thomas and I laugh "he shucking better be," and I begin to walk forward the two boys following as we examine every inch of the new cavern. Minho touches the goo sticking to the circle opening "grievers," he states grimly before we hear a machine whirring ahead. A red light comes out and scans us before blaring, and clicking begins all around us. "I think we need to run," I state hearing the familiar sound of the maze moving "give me the key," Minho shouts and Thomas tosses it back to Minho who secures it in his pack.

All three of us begin sprinting through the maze at full speed "come on Thomas! We're gonna get trapped!" Minho shouts as we move in hurried jerked motions as the maze blades begin to close. Minho and I constantly shout at Thomas whose struggling to stay in line with us. Everywhere we run moves and comes up around us or falls behind us nearly crushing us at every turn. We land back in five with a sigh and waste no time getting back to the glade where gladers crowd drawn in by the noise from the maze.

"What the hell is going on out there?" Newt asks as soon as we're out of the maze "what the hell have you done now, Thomas?" Gally pipes in, angry about Thomas being allowed back into the maze. "We found something, a new passage," I say, "we think it could be a way out," Thomas adds looking to Newt eager to share what we'd found. "Really?" Newt asks shocked by the prospect of a way out as much as the rest of us. 

"It's true. We opened a door, something I'd never seen before," Minho interjects confirming Thomas's claims "I think it must be where the grievers go during the day," Thomas adds and I nod remembering the slime on the opening. "Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're saying you found the griever's home? And you want us to go in it?" Chuck asks and I turn to look at him in between Thomas and I. "Their way in could be our way out, Chuck," I explain still continuing forward alongside Thomas who meets my gaze when I look up.

"Yeah, or there could be a dozen grievers on the other side," Gally interjects "The truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he's done, as usual," Gally continues and I can see Thomas clench his jaw, and turns to face Gally. "Yeah, well, at least I did something, Gally. I mean, what have you done? huh? Aside from hide behind these walls and let (Y/n) do all the work for you all the time?" Thomas jabs at Gally and I can see Gally's cheeks go slightly red from anger as his eyes flicker to me and back to Thomas. 

"Let me tell you something, Greenie. You've been here three days, all right? You've been here three days, I've been here three years," Gally tells Thomas getting up in his face "Yeah, you've been here three years, and you're still here. What does that tell you?" Thomas asks and I try to get between the two boys who are getting up in each other's faces. "Maybe you should do things differently," Thomas continues as I try to push them apart "guys," Teresa tries to interject from behind me.

"Maybe you should be in charge, Thomas. How about that?" Gally asks as I finally push them away. "Hey! It's Alby!" Teresa calls finally directly their attention to her. "He's awake,"

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now