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POV (Y/n)

-1 Year and 5 days in the Glade-

I stand with Minho at the maze entrance as builders drag Teresa and Thomas out. Thomas's body drags as he pretends to remain passed out, "this is such a waste," Gally says. I have to stare at the ground because the sight of his red-rimmed eyes brought too much pain to my heart. "Gally!" Winston calls out getting Gally's attention "it doesn't feel right man," he tells Gally "what if Thomas is right? What if he really can lead us home?" Jeff adds and I hear Gally scoff "We are home, okay? I don't wanna have to cross any more names off that wall," Gally tells them.

"You really think banishing us will solve anything?" Teresa asks "No," Gally says causing me to furrow my brows but my brain is quick to fill in the pieces as he continues "this isn't a banishing it's an offering," he says and I all but gasp as the builders start to tie Teresa to one of the poles. "Gally," I say in a hollow voice gaining his attention "you can't be serious?" I asked afraid of him genuinely afraid. "You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the maze after all he's done? Look around you! Look at our glade! This is the only way," he urges and I close my eyes as bile rises in my throat.

I have to look away from Gally disgusted by this version of him in front of me. "When the grievers get what they came here for, everything will go back to the way it was," he continues "are you all listening to him? He's crazy!" Teresa shouts to the gladers "will you shut up?" Gally asks Teresa and she only presses on. "If you stay here you'll die, the grievers are just going to come back, and they're going to keep coming back until you're all dead," she tells them and Gally erupts "Shut up! Tie him up!" he orders the builders closet to him who hesitates.

"Did you hear me? I said tie him up!" Gally shouts and the builders finally bend to grab Thomas's slumped form lying on the ground. As they grab him Thomas attacks and steals their weapon using it now as his own Newt, Minho, Chuck, and I are not helpless and move into action as well. I free Teresa and point my knife at Gally daring him to fight me and in response, he holds his hands up in surrender.

Fry joins us without hesitation he jumps into action alongside us moving to the maze door behind Thomas. "You're full of surprises aren't ya?" Gally asks looking at Thomas who pulls me behind him. "You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. Anyone else who wants to come now's your last chance," Thomas calls out and Gally puts his hands up to stop people from moving to our side. "Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you," Gally tells them and I scoff at his words "No, you're already scared. Hell, he's scared, I'm scared! But I rather die in there than spend the rest of my life here. My best friend died afraid of the idea of staying here forever. We have a chance, with Thomas, he can take us home. Just come with us," I plead.

A few like Winston, Clint, and Jeff move to our ranks, but Gally and most of the builders hold firm. I meet Gally's eyes "Please Gal, just come with us. Bring me to the ocean," I beg and he looks away and blinks back the tears brimming his eyes "good luck against the grievers," he announces and my heart sinks as Thomas grabs my hand getting ready to pull me into the maze and leave Gally behind.

We charge through the maze and Thomas leads us, Thomas stops us right before the long passage to what we believe to be the exit. "Is there a griever?" Chuck asks and Thomas nods everyone sighs and Minho hands the key to chuck "take this Chuck, and stay behind us," Minho orders. Teresa smiles at Chuck as she secures her hair back "it's okay, just stick with me," she tells him, and then Thomas turns to address the older ones of us.

"Once Chuck passes through the key will activate and the doors will open. We stay close, we stick together and we get out now or die trying. Ready?" he asks stomping his spear onto the ground and everyone straightens preparing themselves "ready," I tell him and we set off against the griever. All of our spears hit the griever at once and it roars in pain at the contact and although it's resilient I feel like we hold the power. 

Fear clutches my heart as the griever knocks a boy over the ledge into a dark abyss. I slice at the legs and do my best to kill the griever. We finally push it over the edge and cheer in success, but our victory is short-lived as grievers begin coming up behind Teresa and Chuck coming straight for us. As Teresa and Chuck move to open the door we attempt to create a wall of resistance, but there are too many, and pick us off. "Thomas! There's a code, eight numbers!" Teresa shouts out and Minho begins calling out the sequence of the maze.

"7,1,5,2,6,4," Minho calls out but is cut off by a griever falling onto him, Minho is barely keeping his mouth away from him and is straining hard as the rest of us jump back. Jeff runs forward attacking the griever and pulling it off of Minho, but the griever grabs a hold of Jeff dragging him off into the maze. As the griever begins closing in Minho starts back with the sequence. "6,4,8,3, that's it!" he calls as we stab at the grievers. When the stone walls begin to fall on the grievers I feel myself sigh, and the final door opens.

It creaks open and I am surprised by what I see a long corridor with an exit sign above a door "seriously?" Fry asks looking at the green exit sign. Thomas steps up and opens the door and what we see is chaos yellow flashing lights, a siren blaring in our ears, and dead bodies lying sprawled over the floor. I almost can't believe what I'm seeing as we move forward finding more bodies and destruction as we get to what seems to be the control center. 

We see screens with names, faces, and scans proving Thomas's words true "so they were watching us," Newt says as we look around in shock. A video pops up of an older blonde woman introducing herself as Ava Paige.

I watch as the woman puts the gun to her head, and unlike my brother, I don't flinch away when she pulls the trigger. She ruined my life for a cure, and sacrificed me, my brother, my best friend, and my soulmate. I hated her and was happy she was dead, we all looked at Thomas after a long minute. "What now?" I ask him and he looks at the door craning open for us. "Is it over?" Chuck asks "she said we were special," Newt adds and we all stare ahead at the door unsure of what to do "Well Thomas?" I press on.

"I don't know, but let's get out of here," he says taking a step toward the door.

"No!" a familiar voice says drawing us out of our pursuit and I turn to see Gally. He'd been crying and he was off, my hand covers my mouth at the sight of the black veins crawling up his neck and the griever stinger in his hand. "Gally," I say broken by the sight, and Thomas tries to step towards him "don't," Teresa stops him holding him back "he's been stung," she explains as Gally drops the stinger from his hand. "We can't leave," Gally says as he shakes the gun that he holds in his other hand and I feel tears on my cheeks. "We did Gally we're out. (Y/n)'s out," Thomas says eyes flickering to me.

"We're free," Thomas adds and Gally shakes his head "free? You think we're free out there? No, no there's no escape from this place," Gally says "Gally, listen, you're not thinking straight. Please, let us help you," I plead in a strangled voice and Gally doesn't even look at me his eyes locked on Thomas. Gally lifts the gun up pointing it at Thomas "I belong to the maze, we all do!" he says as he fires the shot at Thomas. In the same breath, Minho throws the spear at Gally and I scream as I run to Gally. 

Gally gasps for breath as he looks at me and my eyes move from Gally to Chuck who's dying from saving my brother from Gally. Memories flood my brain as I sob and I see Gally's hand on mine "I was supposed to take you to the ocean," he tells me as I sob and I shake my head. "Just live Gally, I don't need the ocean. I just need you," I cry as he gasps and I can hear Thomas screaming as people barge in and grab at us but I scream louder when they pry me from Gally's body.

It takes two of them as I thrash and when Gally's body is out of sight I fall limp crying as they drag me to some aircraft. They have to toss me inside and I only curl in on myself as I lie on the floor. Thomas and the others try to comfort me, but I'd just lost the two people who mean the most to me. I had nothing left that I cared about. Thomas maybe my brother but I don't know him, Chuck was my brother and he was just killed by the love of my life.

I can't meet Minho's gaze, and I hate feeling the way I do towards him. But, he killed Gally.

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