~We've Gotta Stop Meeting Like This~

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POV (Y/n)

-10 Months and 20 Days in the Glade-

I lay peacefully in the hammock as Gally runs his fingers through my hair. I loved moments like this, quiet and far away from the chaos of our lives right outside. "Are you taking a rest day today?" Gally asks knowing if I'm not I better haul ass before Minho flips. I nod and turn to look into his eyes "I just want a day, just the two of us," I tell him with a simple smile. He leans down to peck my lips "I can make that work," he tells me.

We lay in the hammock until we can hear the rest of the glade begin to stir, and we head off to the mess hall. "Want to eat in the tower?" Gally asks and I smile, "that'd be nice," I told him, I'd begun enjoying the quiet much more since losing Tony. Eating in the mess hall just wasn't the same without his constant laughter. We're quick to grab our food and get up the tower, "I like the feel of the weather today," I tell Gally and he chuckles and I look at him with confused eyes "what?" I ask.

"This is the same weather we have most days, there's nothing special about it," Gally attempts to tell me and I shrug. "I'm sorry if I attempt to enjoy the little things," I tell him as I bite into my muffin. "I wish we could go to the ocean," I tell Gally randomly as I look out over the glade, and without looking I can tell he furrows his brow. "I can't even remember it," he tells me and I feel a pang of sadness shot through me. "Well, it's beautiful, with blue water and varying waves that can soothe you to sleep. I have a very vague memory of you saying you grew up by the ocean," I tell him and Gally goes quiet.

"I dreamt of salty air once, and there was a bird, unlike anything I'd heard before calling overhead," Gally tells me looking over the maze walls. "I think I like our ocean just fine though," Gally tells me turning to the pond, "and I don't need any of it as long as I have you," he adds and I blush. "What if I want the ocean?" I ask him and he smiles at me with a smile he saves just for me "then I'll take you to the ocean," he tells me staring deep into my eyes.

I smile even though I'm not sure there's a way out, it warms my heart that Gally would leave a place he loves so much to be with me. 

I start singing to Gally and he stands and grabs my hand, dancing around with me. Every time we dance or sing together he chases all my fears far away. I rest my head on his broad and comforting chest that lets me hide away from everything that wants to tear me down.

When I stop, Gally leans down to kiss me hard. I kiss back with just as much passion and I wish I never had to stop kissing him. When he pulls back I can tell he's reluctant, not wanting to stop either, but he still has a job to go to. We leave our oasis on top of the tower to go to the builders, but I hang back in the builder's shed. Seeing Jacob was hard, not just for me, but for him too. We're the last pieces of Tony, but we don't have the words to comfort one another. 

When Gally comes into the shed he grabs two axes "wanna be useful?" he asks and I roll my eyes "I guess I can try," I shrug taking one of the axes from his grasp. I follow after Gally to the edge of the woods. We swing for what feels like hours "Damn, how do you do this every day Gal?" I ask him stopping to wipe the sweat off of my brow. He pauses to shrug before swinging the ax again "you get used to it. Plus, someone's got to do it," he tells me and then looks at me with a warning to watch the tree. 

It's a small tree, but it'd still break a few bones if it fell on top of me. It falls between the two of us and I quietly thank God that we don't have to keep on chopping away. Gally laughs and I look at him confused "we're not done yet," he tells me and I sigh "of course not," I joke "what a rest day I'm getting," I tell Gally with a smirk as we both grab at the tree pulling it towards the builder's shed. Even though the work is exhausting I loved doing it with him, and every smile and laugh temporarily erases the pain surging under the surface.

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now