~First Ben~

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POV (Y/n)

-1 Year and 1 Day in the Glade-

I run through the maze with Minho by my side trying to not feel like this is pointless. "Minho, why do you stay?" I ask him as we jog back toward the glade, and Minho shrugs "somebodies got to do it," he tells me. "Why do you stay?" he asks in return "I don't want to give up," I respond staring straight ahead to the glade where I can see Ben not far ahead. "That's good, being hopeless will kill you before any griever," he tells me. 

We jog onto the map room to unload our stuff, and I realize I don't see Ben. "Wasn't Ben ahead of us?" I ask Minho and he nods "he hasn't brought his stuff back yet, the slithead probably forgot," Minho tells me as I hang up my things. "I'm gonna go check for him," I announce heading out into the woods. I start towards the glade when I'm pulled out of my path "get the hell off me!" I hear the greenie shout, and my feet move faster than my brain. I come up on the scene of Ben on top of Thomas choking him. 

Thomas was attempting to push him off and flashes of Avery go through my head. I run up and tackle Ben off of him, Thomas begins to scramble away as Ben turns on me throwing me off of him with inhuman strength. He puts his weight on top of me and then smashes a skull on top of my head. He's off of me and chasing Thomas again after that, but I can't move to follow. I feel blood gushing and my eyes getting heavy. "Gally..." I say barely audible as my eyes fall.

"No!" I shout as I see what the guards brought me in here to see. I rush to the glass and tears stream down my cheeks as I see Gally screaming and gasping for breath. I turn to Thomas "why are you letting them do this?" I ask my brother as Gally goes quiet. Thomas looks sad as if he had an answer, but then a guy with a blurry face and distorted voice comes up to me in long strides. He grabs my face in rough hands "try to escape again and we'll kill him,(N/N)," he tells me dropping my face and leaving me to cry helplessly as I look to Gally. The nickname he uses sounds sour in his mouth and I feel sick hearing it. 

I bolt awake "Gally!" I shout afraid tears streaming down my face. Not a second later I'm wrapped in his familiar embrace "(Y/n) you're okay. I'm right here," he tells me squeezing me tightly "I'm right here," he repeats and I feel a new set of tears usher down my face. "I watched you drown," I tell him knowing he'll know what I mean, and he begins running his fingers through my hair and even presses a kiss into my hair. 

"I'm okay, see. I promise no water in my lungs," Gally tells me and I stifle a laugh and nod telling him I know. "How long was I asleep?" I ask finally attempting to wipe away my tears after a long moment. "Two days," Gally tells me and I sigh falling back onto my pillow with frustration. "What'd I miss?" I ask him and Gally refuses to meet my eyes "Alby, Minho, and the greenie are in the maze," Gally answers and I feel cold fear grip my heart. "How? The greenie?" I sputter out and my mind feels submerged in water.

Thomas's face flashes in my mind, my brother. I stay silent, not sure what to do or say, Gally, runs his fingers through my hair trying to soothe me. "It'll be okay," Gally tells me and I try to believe him "what the hell are we going to do?" I ask thinking of Alby lost to the maze, and Gally shrugs. "Newt will take over," he states plainly, and I stay silent, unsure how to respond to that fact. Newt will do great but without Alby and Minho? What will happen to the glade?

"You've been promoted at least," Gally attempts to joke that only causes me to frown at the single thought of taking over for Minho. I respond rolling on my side, "hopefully after this, they'll finally disband the runners," Gally states, and I jolt up from the shock of his words. "What are you talking about?" I ask my brow furrowing "I mean it's too dangerous to be sending people out into the maze. We just lost two of our own!" Gally ruffles and I feel my face turn to a sneer. "We lost three! And they went out there because they wanted to save us!" I yell at him feeling the anger rising to my cheeks.

I felt my head throb from the sudden loudness broken out. "You want to go out there after this? After what Ben said?" Gally asks and I furrow my brows "I don't care what Ben said, Ben was stung," I tell Gally as I reach to rub my temple " he said it's Thomas's fault," Gally adds I can't help but let a laugh in retort. "Have you lost your mind? You're listening to a man who was out of his mind. Avery told me we were all going to die, that he hoped we died here! That's the kind of thing that people who've been stung say. If you listen to Ben in the state he was in you're an idiot," I tell Gally matter of fact.

"(Y/n), why should any of us be out there huh? To risk our lives at the slim chance of getting out? Why do we need to leave?" Gally asks and I can tell he means the question and my brain whirls with so many emotions. "This is a prison Gally, this place we have no freedom. Tony killed himself because he couldn't face the thought of being stuck here forever!" I tell him and Gally furrows his brow "Tony killed himself over the maze," and I scoff.

"You don't know anything about Tony or the maze. You're just scared like the rest of us, but news flash just cause you're scared doesn't mean the rest of us have to play into it. As long as I have any say I will run the maze and search for a way out," I tell him thinking of how badly I ache to be free of this place. Gally is silent for a long moment "would you leave me?" he asks and I close my eyes feeling a pang of sadness deep in my bones. 

"I don't know," I say honestly which is obviously not the answer Gally was wanting as I hear the legs of his chair roughly scraping the floor beneath us. "Fine," he tells me before storming out of the room.

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