~Let Me Tell You Something~

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POV (Y/n)

-1 Year and 5 Days in the Glade-

When morning rolled around I refused to move near the maze doors afraid of the grievers coming back out to finish us off. I try to find Gally though, all though I was angry, angrier than I'd ever been at him I didn't hate him and need to tell him that. When I find him he has most of the remaining gladers gathered "We need to end this! And the only way to do that is to get rid of Thomas, and Teresa. Everything was fine before they got here, but now look at our glade! Alby said that Thomas was with the people that put us here, and now it's just a coincidence that everything's gone to klunk when he goes into the maze. If we want to go back to the way things were we need to get rid of them," Gally announces and I furrow my brow.

I stay and listen as the gladers gathered barely speak up "if you're with us, you can stay, but if you're not. You'll be banished at sundown," Gally announces, and then his eyes land on me, and I step forward "then let me be the first one," I tell him and all eyes turn to me and Gally narrows his eyes. "You really want to go with him after all he's done? After everyone we've lost?" Gally asks and I cut my eyes at him "Thomas isn't responsible for everyone we lost," I tell him referring to Jacob.

Gally's jaw tightens "so I'm the bad guy?" he asks and I swallow "you're the wrong guy," I clarify and Gally raises his wrist "then prove it," and I know what he's asking but I feel sick at the thought, but everyone is watching. "I reject you as my soulmate," I tell him and I can feel my wrist tightening as I watch the color leech from Gally's wrist. I fight the tears in my eyes and turn to walk away, and when I get out of eyesight I fall to my knees hard. I cry into my hands and then stare at the gray markings on my arm. I now understand why Jacob cut his wrist to hide the faded marks. It's a nightmare to see it there, and know that I'd just broken the bond between us. But he forced me, I had to take a stand if anyone was going to go against Gally. 

I was pulled out of my downward spiral by Minho laying a hand on my shoulder. When he did I jumped and clung to him continuing to cry. "I didn't have a choice. I had to take a stand," I sob, and Minho nods "come on" he whispers pulling me towards the pits where Teresa and a passed-out Thomas sit. We all tell Teresa what Gally is planning as we crowd the bars to the pit, but I let the boys do most of the talking. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear Teresa ask softly which brings my attention to Thomas who's staring straight up at Teresa "what the hell were you thinking?" Chuck asks causing Thomas to lift his head up and look at Chuck and the rest of us (Minho, Newt, and (Y/n)). "What happened?" Thomas asks still in a daze from surviving a griever sting. "Gally's taken control," Newt says softly, Thomas looks at me next and I look away. "He said we have a choice, either join him or be banished with you at sundown," I tell him as I fight the urge to look at my wrist.

"The others agreed with that?" Thomas asks standing to his feet "Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason all this has happened," Teresa explains and Thomas nods looking to his feet and then to us at the bars. "Well he's been right so far," Thomas tells us causing me to furrow my brow "what do you mean?" I ask staring hard into his brown eyes. "This place, it's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test, it all started when we were kids. They'd give us challenges, they were experimenting on us. Then people started disappearing, every month one after the other like clockwork," Thomas explained to us with sad eyes.

"Sending them up into the maze," Newt spoke aloud and I felt my throat run dry at the flickers of memories I'd have, and I remember those moments. "Yeah, but not all of us," Thomas announced and I stared at him intently knowing what he'll say next. "Guys I'm one of them, the people that put you here, I worked with them. Hell, I watched you guys for years, the entire time you've been here, I've been on the other side of it. So were you," he tells Teresa who looks mortified at the idea.

"Teresa, we did this to them," Thomas tells her and she shakes her head "no, it can't be true," she says wiping at a tear that's rolled down her cheek "but it is, I saw it," he tells her but she keeps shaking her head "why would they send us up?" she asks and he shrugs and looks at me "it doesn't matter," he tells her and comes closer to the bars to look at me closer. "You weren't supposed to go up either," he tells me. 

"Why?" I ask afraid I was a part of this somehow "you're my sister I bargained for you, but you were so deadset on being with Gally, he tells me sending a new fresh pain of sadness through me "a lot of good that did me," I told him bitterly. "But he's right," Newt says not looking at anyone "it doesn't matter, any of it. Because the people we were before the maze don't exist anymore. These creators took care of that, but what does matter is who we are now and what we do right now. You went in the maze and you found a way out," Newt says.

"Yeah but if I hadn't Alby may still be alive," Thomas says "maybe, but I know if he were here he'd be telling you the same thing. Pick your ass up and finish what you started, if you don't then Alby died for nothing, and I can't have that," Newt said and I nod in agreement. "Okay, but we have to get through Gally first," Thomas says before hatching a plan for us to get out of the glade.

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