~Rise and Shine~

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POV Gally

After I'm announced as the winner I notice the greenie has stopped moving. I move towards her and see her eyes roll back "Clint! Jeff! I think she needs help!" I call out and they make their way through the crowd. I pick up her head and something hot and wet on the back of her head. I tilt it slightly and see blood and a rock. "Damn it," I say under my breath. "She hit her head on a rock," I tell them "Help us get her to the homestead," Clint instructs me and I nod positioning myself to grab up the girl.

It wasn't the first time this had happened, but I felt guilt pool in my stomach as I look down at the girl. "She'll be fine Gally, a night in the med bay and she'll be good," Jeff tells me and I scoff "I don't care," I tell them as we set the girl on the makeshift bed. "Sure," Jeff retorts "it's okay to care about someone Gally, and if it would be anyone it should be your soulmate," Clint responded as he gather gauze to wrap around her head.

As he did I pulled down her brown leather bracelet that covered her mark. Mine was left bare and I stared at the two side by side. They were identical, and although I wondered if it was a trick of the light this confirms it, she is my soulmate. Her features were still in her sleep, and I felt like I couldn't look away even though I desperately wanted to. I have no reason to trust this girl, soulmate or not she's not earned anything from me. All I know about her is her name from a single memory, and no one can know about that, (Y/n).

POV (Y/n)

"They'll be here soon," I mutter hearing the sound of boots hitting concrete "It'll be okay," Gally tells my rubbing his thumb over my hand in reassurance. There was nowhere for us to run, but that didn't stop us from trying. They'd caught us and it only delayed the inevitable, Gally was being put in the maze next. "I don't want you to go, I don't want you to forget me," I say hearing my voice break. Gally grabs my face gently to look at him, "I could never forget you," he tells me and I hear the guards unlocking the cell that holds us. 

Gally kisses me and I kiss back knowing this could very well be our last. "I love you (Y/n)!" Gally tells me as the guard seizes his shoulders pulling him away from me. Another holds me to my seat "I love you too Gally," I tell him tears now clouding my vision. We're only thirteen, but we have so much to face. I am helpless as I watch them lead Gally down the hall, toward the memory banks. In a few hours, Gally won't remember me or any of our friends. I shudder as I think of all of them taken from us already

I wake up startled by the dream or rather the memory. I feel something wet on my cheeks and reach up to feel wet tears on my face. I swipe them away furiously "nightmares?" Jeff one of the medjacks asks and I not knowing how to respond. "Jeff, does anyone here remember anything?" I asked and Jeff shakes his head while looking off in the distance like he's remembering something, something bad. "What is it?" I ask quirking an eyebrow at him and he lifts his eyes to look at mine. 

"Newt told you about the grievers?" Jeff asks and I nod remembering the bone chilling creatures that Newt had spoke about. "Well there have been times where runners have been stung and come back into the glade. When they come back they spout out nonsense, but sometimes they say they remember things. They don't make enough sense to tell us anything they remember, but it makes you wonder," Jeff explains and I nod. "This is one sick thing to do to kids," I say leaning back into my pillow. Jeff laughs "I'm sure there are worse lives to lead," Jeff says coming closer grabbing at a bandage around my head that I didn't know was there.

He has quick gentle hands and I'm sure that's one of the reasons he's one of the only two medjacks. "It looks like the bleeding stopped a while ago. Do you feel any pain?" he asks and I nod "yeah, a little," "scale of one to ten, ten being the worse," he quizzes and I shrug "uhh.. a three," I say reaching up to lightly feel the back of my head. "Okay well good no meds for you clean your hair and report to Zart and Newt in the gardens," Jeff says and I nod.

I walk out of the medjack hut and look for anyside of a place to wash my hair. I see a small pond of water and a watermill feeding into a hut. A bath house, I realize, and there in lies a problem. Being the only girl in the glade I can think of one definite problem of showering alone. Atleast one of these slintheads will get a funny idea and come in if they realize I'm in there. I look around the glade in thought trying to decide who I can trust to stand guard. Newt? He'd be great but I'd feel uncomfortable undressing with him so close by. 

My eyes linger on a broad figure not far away, Gally, he is my soulmate and he owes me a favor since he's responsible for this. I think, I still rather him not be the one I ask but considering my options he's the best choice. I make my way over towards where the builder is pounding nails into the side of the stalls that keep the animals in the glade contained. "Hey, Gally!" I call out to him once he's in ear shot and I can see him tense at the sound of my voice. 

"What do you want greenie?" he asks me and I smile "you can call me (Y/n) now seems busting my head opens a good way to remember things, and I need a favor," I tell him and he scoffs not turning to look at me instead focusing on the task at hand. "A favor? Why are you asking me?" he asks in a rough tone "because it stems from the problem you helped create, so therefore you kinda owe me one," I state matter of fact crossing my arms over my chest. 

He turns to look at me finished with his task and he wipes his brow. Gone is the rain from yesterday, now there is just humid hot air. "What's the favor?" he asks meeting my gaze "I need you to guard me in the bath house," I tell him as I jerk my thumb in the direction of the bath house. Although he tries to fight it a blush floods his cheeks, and he looks away from me before giving a curt quick nod. I fight a blush of my own and lead the way to the bath house. "So where can I get some extra clothes?" I ask as we walk "In the bath house they keep the extra's there, and there's a place to put the dirty ones. When you came up they sent up some girl clothes too," he tells me.

We walk quietly to the bath house the rest of the way.

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now