~Why Now Are We Questioning That?~

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POV (Y/n)

-1 Year and 4 Days in the Glade-

I sit on top of the tower overlooking the glade with shock and worry. I don't agree with Gally, but I don't know what to think seeing the only world I've ever known falling apart. Minho had let me sit out today since all the other runners had quit this morning and it was dangerous to go alone. I just feel useless as my legs dangle over the edge "(Y/n)!" I hear Minho call from below and I look down to see him waving me down. 

Once my feet hit the dirt he's by my side "wanna get out of here?" he suggests and I smile eagerly "you know I do," I answer "meet Thomas and me at the map room in twenty," he tells me before jogging off to another part of the glade to recruit more gladers to whatever mission we were about to go on. I look towards Gally and can already sense how mad he will be to hear that more non-runners will be entering the maze.

I make my way to the map room shortly and meet up with Minho, Zart, Winston, and Frypan. "Will this be enough?" Minho asks Thomas as we all look at him eager to be useful. Thomas nods "Okay, let's go," he tells us as we set off jogging across the glade into the maze. Minho and Thomas shout out directions as we go through leading us to a gruesome sight that I was both afraid and delighted to see. The griever's organs and the metal body lay squished in between the stone walls. Two legs protrude out along with some guts and blood, "that's disgusting," Zart states as we all take in the sight.

"Hey, there's something in there," Thomas says taking a step closer to it "you mean besides a griever pancake?" Fry asks disgusted and afraid. I look closer and can see what Thomas is talking about, and I take long strides over to the small opening to reach my hand in. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?" Zart asks and I brace myself "I don't know," I answer before sticking my arm into the disgusting goop of the griever. As my hand moves the griever's body moves and I move away quickly bumping into Thomas as I flee.

The others respond the same, no one wanting to be close to a live griever. "I thought you said it was dead?" Fry asks still moving backward "was it a reflex?" Zart asks and Winston scoffs "you hope," the only one who seems unphased is Thomas "Okay, come on, let's try and pull it out," he announces going to grab the grievers leg that had ceased its movement. Minho and I move forward with him grabbing where we could "All right, ready? On three." Thomas says as he begins to count and we pull as hard as possible on three.

We groan and fall back as the leg gives way and detaches from the body. Minho steps back over to the smashed body and picks up some kind of organ with a blinking metal device peeking out of it. "What the hell is that?" Thomas asks as we all stare at whatever Minho pries free of the organ. I step closer and see W.C.K.D and the number seven on the device and I can't help but feel happy by the small advancement in our hunt for a way out. "Interesting," Minho murmurs as he attempts to wipe the goo off of the letters "Okay, whatever it is, can we take this up back at the glade? Because I don't want to meet any of this guys friends," Fry interjects

"He's right, it's getting late," I tell the others looking at the shadows of the maze "come on," Minho says as he begins to lead us out of the maze and back to the glade. We're greeted back with a less-than-friendly sight of Gally and Newt standing attentively waiting for our return. I know Gally is mad, but do my best to ignore him as the eight of us head to the homestead. Before I can enter Gally grabs my arm harshly "what the hell do you think you're doing?" he asks venom dripping from his words that causes me to glare. 

"I was trying to help the glade, what were you doing?" I spat at him and his eyes narrowed "putting more non-runners in the maze? That's the way you're helping?" he asks obviously annoyed by my actions "yes because we want to find a way out, and Thomas may just be able to help us do that," I tell him and Gally shakes his head "he's got you all brainwashed or something. We don't need to go anywhere, we're home," Gally tells me and I shake my head entering the homestead as Thomas hands Newt the device we'd found inside the griever.

"We found this, it was inside a griever," Thomas explains and Newt looks from the device to Thomas "these are the same letters we get on our supplies," Newt states and Thomas nods "yeah, whoever put us here obviously made the griever, and this is the first real clue the first real anything you've found in over three years, right, Minho?" Thomas asks and I nod with Minho "right," he answers his mind obviously clouded with complicated emotions same as mine. 

"Who knows where this might lead us?" Thomas asks staring at Newt urging him to understand and to greenlight what Thomas wants to do next. "You see what he's trying to do, right?" Gally asks Newt his eyes flickering to me and then to Thomas "first he breaks our rules, and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only thing that ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me. This shank needs to be punished," Gally states pointing to Thomas and looking to the other Keepers in the room for support, but finding none.

Newt's eyes flicker from the device to Thomas "you're right. Thomas broke the rules. One night in the pit and no food," Newt states plainly handing back the device and leaning back up against the support of the homestead. "Oh, come on, Newt. One night in the pit? You think that's gonna stop him from going into the maze?" Gally asks frustrated "No, and we can't have non-runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it. So let's just make this official, starting from tomorrow you're a runner," Newt tells Thomas shocking Gally.

"Wow," Gally states and heads towards the door "Gally," Fry offers sticking a hand out to Gally that he smacks away "No, Fry," Gally says leaving the homestead, and I can hear Fry go after him, but I stand still knowing there's nothing I can say to make this better.

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