~Go, Ahead~

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POV (Y/n)

Zart was currently leading me to another area of the glade hoping I wouldn't hurt any more of his plants, and so far he was at the end of his rope. Although I gave it my best effort the only thing I was good at in the garden was gathering soil but felt nauseous so close to the dead of the glade. Newt thought that meant being a Slicer would also not fit. "I think (Y/n)'s done for the day," Zart said handing me off to Newt and I sighed lightly in embarrassment. 

"Well, it's almost time for lunch anyways," Newt tells me patting me on the back "I'll let you hang with Fry after Lunch and see if you got the chops to be a cook," he says and I nod "hopefully I'll do better than the gardens. I think Zart hates me after the job I did pruning the tomatoes," I tell him looking back at the tomatoes. Newt shrugs "it's fine, we all fumble around when we first get here. You'll find where you fit in," I settle in line for my food and feel my stomach growling at the thought of devouring the meal. 

"Hungry greenie?" Fry asks as he dips his ladle into a giant pot of stew. "Worked up quite the appetite being a horrible gardener," I joke and he laughs "well hopefully you'll have more luck in the kitchen," he tells me with a wink I smile at him before moving out of the line to sit with Newt, Gally, Jacob, Tony, and another boy I hadn't met before with tony hair and green eyes. "(Y/n) this is Kilorn, he's one of the builders alongside Gally and Jacob," Newt introduces and I reach across the table to shake hands with the boy. 

"How'd gardening work out for ya?" Jacob asked and Tony laughed in a sarcastic manner. "I think Zart's still crying over his tomatoes," Tony explained and I fling a bit of stew at him "slim it Tony," I tell him focusing my eyes on my stew. "Oh don't tell me you're a hothead too? We're just picking at ya," Tony explains and I smirk up "no, not a hot head just a perfectionist," I explain "well good cause I wasn't picking, ya killed half that patch," Tony added and the boy laughs as I fling more stew in Tony's direction. 

"Okay (Y/n) watch it. You don't wanna waste your whole meal on this slinthead," Jacob tells me and I laugh nodding. I realize Gally hasn't said anything and my eyes travel to him as he eats next to me with a scowl drawn onto his features. I elbow his ribs gently and his eyes reluctantly meet mine saying 'what?' I raise a brow and he rolls his eyes. Then his eyes flicker to Frypan and back to me. I furrow my brow slightly more confused with him as I shovel in another bite of food. What was his deal with Frypan?

"Are you two gonna use ya words? Or are we going to have to play charades too?" Tony asks and I look at the table with a slight blush rising to my cheeks "sorry we didn't mean to be rude," I say and return to the table conversation and eat my stew. "Speak for yourself," Gally says shoving away from the table discarding his bowl, and leaving the mess hall. I heave out an annoyed sigh as I see the boy trotting away, and I think about how he was just a few hours ago. Watching over me and trying to preserve my privacy. 

"What's his problem?" Kilorn asks, looking off in the direction Gally just ran off in and I shrug. "How am I supposed to know? I only met the boy yesterday," I tell them trying to tear the focus off of the angry keeper of the builder. The boys being boys constantly poke and prod trying hard to learn what's going on between us. I finish my food quickly wanting to flee the group, and when I discard my bowl I hurry to Frypan to try out my next job.

"Hey (y/n)! Ready to try out cooking?" Frypan asks as he puts away the pot that once held the stew we all had just eaten. "Ready as I'll ever be," I tell him with a forced smile still nervous after my run with the gardeners. "I already have the meat cooking, gotta start that early if we want it done in time. You can work on the sauce with me, chopping tomatoes, onion, garlic, and some parsley," Fry explains demonstrating how to chop a tomato. I watch intently but feel nervous about doing it myself. "Go, ahead," Fry urges and I sigh and begin the task, my motions aren't fluid like Fry's but my tomato is diced well. 

"See you're doing great," Fry encourages and I stifle a laugh "well the gardeners did let me practice on their tomatoes earlier," I joke, and Frypan and I laugh together.

POV Gally

I watch across the glade as (Y/n) laughs with Fry over something I can't hear, but I did see Fry wink at her earlier. This is stupid, I don't care about her or Fry. Soulmate or not I couldn't care less, she's just another obnoxious glader to get under my skin. I tear my eyes away and return to my work eager to rid myself of thoughts of (Y/n).

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now