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POV (Y/n)

-One Year in the Glade-

When the bonfire rolled around I was grateful and excited! I hung by Gally's side, stuck like glue until the music started then you could find me and Chuck dancing by the fire like crazy people. "This is (Y/n), greenie. She's the girl of the glade, she was also the one trying to save your life earlier," Newt introduces and I smile at the greenie. I had already had a few of Gally's drinks and I was giggly, so I gave the greenie a quick embrace "hey, nice to meet ya," I greet and the greenie gives me a smile. 

"Nice to meet you," he says "she's Gally's soulmate as well," Newt adds as he always does and the greenie stiffens. "He's not as bad as you think," I tell the greenie as I stir them towards the fighting circle where Gally is "he's just klunk at first impression," I add and Chuck nods in agreement. Newt continues on pointing people out in introduction when the greenie stops him. "What if I wanna be a runner?" he asks and I blink at the question, but stay quiet knowing it's not really a job you pick.

"Haven't you been listening to a word I just said?" Newt asks him "no one wants to be a runner, and besides, you have to be chosen," Newt tells him "chosen by who?" the greenie asks not letting up. Before Newt has a chance to respond Gally pushes Cody out of the circle knocking the greenie over with him. Gally looks at the greenie excited to have fresh meat "what do you say greenie? Wanna see what you're made of?" Gally asks him causing all eyes to fall onto the greenie. A chant breaks out after a second of hesitation "Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" Gally does a hand gesture calling him into the circle, and I look back eager to watch.

I make eye contact with Minho as we settle in 'watch him' his eyes tell me and I nod. The greenie finally gives in to the wishes of a bunch of drunk teenage boys, and he has quite the crowd around him and Gally. "Alright, the rules are simple greenie. I try to push you out of the circle, and you try to last more than five seconds," Gally jeers causing a few laughs out of the drunk gladers around them.

"Ready?" Gally asks and as soon as the greenie gives a hesitant nod Gally's on him. Hands on both shoulders pushing hard, the greenie is pushed into other gladers that keep him in the circle. He falls hard into the sand of the circle, and ends up eating some sand as well. He turns to look at Gally "come on greenie, we're not done yet," Gally tells the boy. Gally kicks his feet in a little jig to loosen up, as the greenie gets to his feet. "Stop calling me greenie," the boy demands and I can't help but smirk "stop calling you that?" Gally asks with a corked eyebrow.

"What do you wanna be called? Shank?" Gally asks and I can't help but laugh along with the others at the suggestion. "What do you think (Y/n), does he look like a shank?" Gally asks me but doesn't let his eyes flicker away from the agitated greenie. Gally's playing this one like a fool, when the greenie charges Gally grabs his shirt and tosses him to the ground hard. "You know what? I think I'm settled on shank," Gally tells the greenie and the boys errupt in laughter. When the greenie lunges forward this time he catches Gally around the middle.

Gally pushes the greenie backwards, but right before he's knocked out he moves causing Gally to fall instead. The gladers respond in kind shocked at the move I can tell Gally's mad as he stays on the ground a second to long "not bad for a greenie huh?" the boy offers. While he speaks Gally swings a leg out and knocks the boy off of his feet. The boy lands hard and there's an audible hit. Gally stands over him ready for another attack, but the boy stays down, and I can see his eyes widen with some kind of realization.

"Thomas," he says quietly at first standing to his feet and the whole glade goes quiet "Thomas, hey! Thomas! I remember my name! I'm Thomas!" he exclaims a smile spreading over his features "Thomas!" Alby cheers and then joins the rest of the gladers. I come up next to Gally as he looks shocked at the new glader. After Thomas attempts to drink a spit of Gally's drink, Gally approaches him "good job, Thomas," Gally says to him. The sweet moment is interrupted by a griever screech that echos across the glade.

I look to the maze with the other confused by the noise, we hardly ever hear the griever. "What the hell was that?" Thomas asks looking in the direction of the screech "that my friend was a griever. Don't worry you're safe here with us, nothing gets through those walls," Gally tells him as he grabs my hand. Leading me away as Alby dismisses the gladers, "that name sound familiar to you?" Gally asks me not looking away from our hut in the distance. I shake my head "no, why?" I quiz looking up at him "no reason," he continues lying. 

I don't press him further knowing it's no use Gally doesn't share anything if he doesn't want to. I can't help but wonder why is Thomas's name familiar.

Soulmates Of The Glade Gally X (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now