Chapter 6:

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Scarlett's POV

It's been about three days since the adoption fair, and still, no one has contacted Cindy to say that they were interested in us. I could tell that it was kind of bothering Alice since she had been so excited about the fair, but at the same time, I couldn't quite think of the right words to soothe her.

I made my way down to Cindy's office and carefully knocked on her door.

Cindy: "Come in", I heard her say.

I opened the door and sat down on one of the chairs opposite her desk.

Cindy: "What can I do for you sweetheart", she said, with a warm smile.

Me: "What happens now", I asked letting out a deep breath.

Cindy scratched her head: "Honestly the same thing as before I'm afraid. I'm going to keep you here for a while like you asked and then I'm going to keep looking for the right foster family."

I took a deep breath, afraid of hearing the answer to my next question: "Have you heard anything about Mom?"

Cindy carefully shook her head: "No sweetheart, I'm sorry. I heard she's been in and out of rehab success so far...."

I could feel tears fill my eyes, so I quickly got up and thanked her, before leaving her office.

I knew my Mom had problems with drugs, but I always knew she loved us. It's not that she didn't want us, it's just...she wants the drugs a little more right now. 

I always told myself that she would get better, that she would find help, and then we could come back home. And it worked a couple of times. She got better and we were able to come back home and everything was great.

Until it wasn't anymore. 

She would always start using drugs again, and it wouldn't take long until we were removed from our home again. But I'm not giving up on her. I believe she can do it. I believe she can get better and Alice and I can come home and this will all be forgotten about. 

We will have a home again.

Maya's POV

It's been three days since the adoption fair and I wasn't able to forget about possibly adopting a child. Carina and I have been trying to get pregnant for a very long time, but unfortunately, it never went according to plan. We lost hope, losing ourselves in our work and forgetting that we even wanted a child. 

Until the adoption fair. Hearing that girl talk about the other kids and how she finds a little hope in seeing so many interested people made me realize something. 

There are so many kids out there that need a home. They need loving parents to provide for them and a safe place that they can call their home. 

Until that girl talked to me, I haven't even thought further about fostering and eventually adopting. It really is like she spelled me.

Carina: "Hey. You okay", she asked, leaning against the door frame.

Me: "Yeah, why", I asked, continuing to make my shake.

Carina: "Well you know...the adoption fair", she said hugging me from behind.

Me: "I don't's just...that girl made me realize how many kids out there need a home and two loving parents. And after we tried and...I don't know I just think we could provide that", I said, turning around to grab her waist.

Carina just looked at me and smiled.

Me: "Unless you're not ready yet...."

Carina: "I'm ready if you are amore mio", she said as she kissed my lips.

I gave her another kiss goodbye and left for work.

Carina's POV

At work, I couldn't help but constantly think about how we were going to do this. I mean sure, we talked about fostering before, but not in detail and a lot of things have changed since we discussed it last. I mean we haven't even discussed what age group we were considering.

Jo: "Earth to Doctor de Luca, are you there", Jo asked, waving her hand in front of my face.

Me: "Uh, yes Jo I'm sorry. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Carina."

Jo: "Right, sorry, Carina. I'm just here to tell you that Ms. Jennings rescheduled her appointment to tomorrow afternoon."

Me: "Is she okay? I told her that if she was feeling a little off, she was supposed to come see me", I said, as I sorted some of my files.

Jo: "Oh no, she's okay. She said that one of her kids is sick today so she had to stay home with them....Do you want to tell me what's going on inside your head or...."

Me: "Oh it's nothing it's just...Maya and I went to the adoption fair last weekend and...well we think we might want to foster."

Jo: "Oh my god, Carina that's amazing."

Me: "Is it? I mean we haven't even really discussed it. It's been a long time since we had the training and we don't even know what age group we're looking for, I mean we'd also have to renovate the room accordingly and...", I let out a deep sigh.

Jo: "Carina, there's nothing to be worried about. That's why you talk things over. Decide together what age group you're looking for. It's not like you signed a contract that says you have to do it now you said it", Jo laughed.

Me: "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Jo."

Jo: "No problem", Jo smiled as she left my office.

I sat back down for a while and was thinking about foster care when I got paged.

A/N: By the way, feel free to leave some suggestions for naming the chapters, I can't really think of good ones 😂

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