Chapter 36:

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Scarlett's POV

I woke up on the floor this morning.

I must have fallen asleep whilst crying yesterday.

I don't even know what came over me, I just felt the need to cry and couldn't stop.

Everything just hit me at once, we would have to leave Maya and Carina, have to move again, the worst-case scenario watch our mother destroy hers and our life again.

It made me really nervous thinking about all of that, and I couldn't stop fidgeting with my sleeves.

Carina:"You okay honey", Carina asked.

Me: "Mmh."

Carina: "Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep", she asked Ali, who just entered the kitchen.

Ali: "Good", Ali replied, still rubbing her eyes.

Me: "Morning Ali", I said, hoping she would reply.

Instead, Ali just gave me a look and went straight past me to the dining room.

I looked down at my hands and tears slowly started to fill my eyes.

I messed up, big time.

What was I going to do now? How am I going to tell her that we might move back in with Mom maybe even this week?

Carina: "She's just upset you know? You've done nothing wrong", Carina said giving me a hug.

Maya: "Bad mood early in the morning", Maya asked entering the kitchen.

Carina: "No, can't we just enjoy some hugs", Carina laughed.

Maya: "Oh, okay then, where's mine", she laughed and joined in on the hug.

Maya soon started tickling me and I burst out laughing.

Me: "Okay, that's enough. We don't want to be late", I tried saying in between laughter.

Carina: "Oh really? Not even a little more", Carina asked, tickling me once again.

Me: "Okay, I'll do anything you want, but if you don't stop I might actually wet myself", I said still laughing.

Maya: "Anything?"

Me: "Mmh", I chuckled.

Carina: "How about you make us three some coffee to go and we'll get everything ready to leave", Carina suggested.

Me: "Sure", I replied, heading to the coffee machine.

Just as I was about to head to the front door with the coffee cans, Ali came into the kitchen looking at the floor.

Ali: "I'm sorry Tina, for being mean to you this morning", she said eyes fixed on the floor.

I could Carina wink at me from the archway and I gave her a thanking smile.

Me: "It's okay. You are forgiven", I chuckled.

We joined Maya and Carina at the front door and headed out towards the car.

As we started driving, I could tell that we weren't heading in the direction of Ali's school, but toward the station.

Maya: "Ali, we called your school this morning. You're coming to the fire station with us today okay?"

Ali: "Yayy, I get to see the fire trucks again", she exclaimed excitedly.

Carina: "Ouch, you're more excited about the fire trucks than spending the whole day with us", Carina pretended to be offended.

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