Chapter 27: I'm a lone wolf

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Scarlett's POV

I'm not very good with confrontation. But to be honest who is?

I got up and just left Carina's room.

To be honest, I have no idea what to think.

They're suspicious but at the same time, they can't really accuse me without proof.

Maybe they'll get rid of me again, but I don't really care.

Now that my Mom's getting better I don't need them anymore.

This is why they tell you not to connect to anyone in the foster care system. Nothing ever lasts forever.

It wasn't gonna matter anyway. I was going to overnight at my Mom's place tomorrow and had no intention of coming back here. Maybe I could convince Cindy to let me stay another night.

I wanted to leave as early as possible, so I already started packing my stuff after I left Carina's room. Even though they had offered to buy me some stuff, I didn't really see the point.

I mean what is the point? Foster placements are only supposed to be temporary, so why waste a bunch of money if you might only get to keep them for a few weeks, maybe months, or max. a year.

All the other foster homes we've been in didn't have a completely furnished room for us. I mean we were lucky if we even had a room.

Growing up this way makes you tougher. Inside and out. You learn the difference between want and need at a really young age. You learn not to trust too fast. And you most certainly know how not to get too attached.

Or at least I did. I learned all those things.

I learned that very often it's just best to shut up.

I learned how to care for myself. I didn't need anyone.

I still don't need anyone.

I became a mother at the age of 7. I learned how to cook and change diapers. I learned how to make bottles and my own laundry.

I went grocery shopping and later on learned how to pay the bills.

I can take care of myself.

And I will get through this by myself.

Carina's POV

I was giving up hope a little bit. Scarlett just kept pushing us away and there was nothing we could do about it. To make matters even worse, the girls are staying a night at their bio Mom's place tomorrow.

Maya and I both hated that. But what were we supposed to do? She is their biological mother after all.

Cindy said that we should start preparing to give the girls back to their biological mother. How was that something you could just prepare for? I knew we weren't supposed to bond with those girls, but I couldn't not.

They are...ours. I love them like they are ours.

I was happy for the girls. But I don't trust their mother. I just know that everything is going to happen all over again.

And seeing how much it affected Scarlett? I just didn't want it to happen to her again. Alice doesn't seem to understand what this all means. She calls us her Mom's.

How do you explain to a 7-year-old that we, her Mom's, can't look after her anymore, because her real mother is taking them back?

And what if she relapses again? How do you explain that to a 7-year-old?

And that's when I noticed. What I was afraid could happen to Alice, already happened to Scarlett numerous times. She was taken from her mother at such a young age and moved from house to house, only to go live with her mother again. And then she would have to leave again because their mother had relapsed and Scarlett was moving from house to house once more.

It absolutely destroyed me. I couldn't help but think that maybe, this was a mistake.


I thought I'd just explain it very quickly because I don't know if it might sound a little confusing because Scarlett said that she cared about them and didn't want to let go of Maya when she hugged her. 

So basically, Scarlett is so fixated that her mother will take her back and that she will get better again, that she is distancing herself from Carina and Maya. She's basically trying to convince herself, that her mother will stay clean and that she doesn't need Maya and Carina, or anyone for that matter. 

I hope you still liked it 😂.

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