Chapter 11:

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Maya's POV

The day of the home visit was finally here. I woke up at 8 to go for a run, hoping that I could somehow get rid of all the energy that was building up inside of me. I freed myself from Carina's arms and got ready putting my running clothes on.

I had no real goal, nor a mileage that I wanted to cover. I just took off and decided to just run wherever my legs took me.

I eventually passed the homeless camps and immediately had to think of my little brother. I have no idea where he is right now or what he's doing, but I really hope life is treating him well. From there on I slowed down and just walked. I just walked, taking in everything that was happening around me.

I got carried away and was snapped out of my thoughts by a message from Carina.

I got carried away and was snapped out of my thoughts by a message from Carina

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I checked the time. Shit. It was 11 AM. How did three hours just pass? On the way back, I really ran as fast as I could and literally sprinted. I rushed inside the house and saw Carina all dressed up and ready. I quickly jumped into the shower and started getting ready myself.

Carina's POV

I knew Maya enjoyed long runs but once I realized it had been 3 hours I got concerned. She came out of the bathroom still all panicky.

Me: "Maya. Look at me", I gently grabbed her face.

Me: "Everything is going to be perfect, okay?'

She nodded and I pulled her into a kiss.

She took a deep breath in and out: "Ok, let's get the last things sorted out."

Me: "Ok. I'll go clean up the living room and you'll go put all the medicine on the higher shelves in our master bathroom alright? After that, we can go through the kitchen stuff."

Maya nodded and I gave her one last kiss before we parted ways, me starting with the living room.

It took around 2 hours to get the whole apartment ready, vacuum cleaning, dust wiping, and making sure everything dangerous was out of reach.

We sat down at the dining table and I tried to calm Maya down a little bit.

Before we knew it the doorbell rang. Maya jumped out of her seat and went to answer it

Maya's POV

Me: "Hi, Cindy nice to see you again. Please, come in", I said, trying not to show my excitement.

Cindy: "It's a pleasure."

Carina: "Hello Cindy", Carina said shaking her hand and Cindy nodded.

Cindy: "So do you guys have any more questions before we get started?"

Maya: "Yes, so what happens after the home visit", I asked, playing with my hands.

Cindy: "Well if I find this apartment to be unsuitable, which it does not appear to be, then we would have to go over a few things, and possibly cancel the procedure. If everything works out, and I find this place to be suitable and ready, maybe the girls can move in today already."

I felt as if my head was about to explode. I was so excited.

Cindy: "Ok shall we get started then?"

Carina: "Yeah sure. Let's start in the living room", Carina said showing her the way.

Cindy took notes for every room we went through, which made me really nervous.

We purposely left the girl's rooms until the end. Both girls had their own bed- and bathrooms, which were, for now, only filled with a desk, a bed, and a wardrobe.

Maya: "We didn't decorate the rooms yet, because we thought it would be nice to do it with the girls together. We also wanted them to decide what their rooms were going to look like and to find out what they were really interested in", I said, hoping that it was the right thing to do.

Cindy took a few more notes and we then went back into the dining room.

Cindy: "So...."

My heart was beating out of my chest.

Cindy: "After seeing and thoroughly checking your apartment, I declare that it is safe. All the pills and knives are out of reach, and the fireplace is inaccessible. I was able to check everything else off my list too", she said starting to pack up her things again and getting up.

Cindy: "Well, congratulations. Prepare to have two more humans living with you."

Carina: "Wait, really? Today", Carina asked with a huge smile.

Cindy: "I don't see why not."

Maya: "Oh my god, thank you so, so much", I said, shaking her hand probably a little too much.

Cindy: "Usually the foster parents have the choice whether they want to pick up the foster kids or whether one of us brings them, but if it's okay with you I would like to pick them up."

Maya: "Yeah sure. Is...."

Cindy: "Oh no it's nothing you've done, it's just...Scarlett might be a little...nervous and I think it would help if I brought her here myself."

Carina: "Oh yeah, we totally understand."

Cindy: "Okay. I will See you in...approximately 30-60 minutes."

We said our goodbyes and once Cindy was out the door Carina and I jumped into each other's arms.

Maya: "Oh my god I can't believe it."

Carina: "Me neither", Carina said with a huge smile.

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