Chapter 15:

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Scarlett's POV

It's been about a week since Alice and I moved in with Carina and Maya and as much as I hate to say it, I'm getting more and more used to the idea of staying here. Both of them have to head back to work tomorrow, and we agreed that I would accompany Maya to the station, while Carina was taking Alice to her hospital's daycare. Alice was really warming up to Maya and Carina, while it took me a while to even be able to be in the same room with them alone.

We had to get up pretty early, which was no problem for me.

Like every time before we leave the house, I took another Valium and was then pretty much good to go. It became a habit again, taking one every morning and evening and sometimes in between. I promised myself I wouldn't let it go on for too long, because I didn't want to be physically addicted again.

I got into the car with Maya and we left for the station.

I didn't say anything the whole ride and only spoke when spoken to.

I could tell that they were really trying, but I just wasn't ready to trust them enough yet.

I wasn't too uncomfortable at the station, since I already knew Vic, Jack, Ben, and Andy. It was okay actually, while Maya spent her time in her office or on calls, I would just find somewhere to sit and draw.

I was just drawing one of the fire trucks when Maya returned from her call.

Maya: "Hey, sorry, that one took really long", she said entering her office.

Me: "Hey, you're saving lives. There's no such thing as that taking too long", I smiled.

Maya: "What are you doing", she smiled back at me.

Me: "Oh nothing just...I was bored so I drew a little bit."

Maya: "Can I see", she asked coming closer.

I nodded and pushed my sketchbook towards her.

Maya: "Wow, Scarlett that''re really talented."

Me: "Thanks", I smiled.

Maya: "You know, my brother is an artist too. He loves to paint."

Me: "You have a brother?"

Maya: "Yeah. Mason", she looked sad.

Me: "What happened to him", I asked carefully.

Maya: "We just...lost contact."

It seemed to make her upset, so I just dropped the conversation.

They had a few more calls and after a while, Maya's shift was over and we headed back to their apartment.

Carina and Alice were already there when we arrived, and Carina was in the kitchen making dinner.

Carina: "Ciao bambine, how was your day", Carina asked from the kitchen.

Maya: "Scarlett over here is a really good artist", Maya said giving her a kiss.

Carina: "Oh really?"

Maya: "Mmh. Scarlett why don't you show her", Maya said, looking at me.

I took out my sketchbook and handed it to Carina. She flipped through a few pages before looking back at me with big eyes.

Carina: "Wow. These are bellissimi. Really,"

I couldn't help but blush a little. It made me happy to hear that she liked my drawings.

Maya's POV

Carina: "Ah no", Carina said looking at her phone.

Me: "What? Is everything alright?"

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