Chapter 20: I'm their Mom

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Maya's POV

It's been about a week since Scarlett had asked to see her Mom. Carina and I had talked to Cindy about it.

We didn't want to tell Scarlett ahead of time, in case her Mom had relapsed, but if Cindy calls today, we would take the girls to the park to see their mother.

I really didn't want to do it, but I had no other choice.

It all depended on one phone call now.

More and more time passed and it was almost noon. Cindy said she would call in the morning to let us know and to give us a time and place, and since no one had called so far, I hoped that it just didn't work out.

I was just about to tell Carina when my phone started ringing.

Me: "Maya Bishop...Oh hey Cindy...Yeah everything's alright...Okay...Mmh...When?...Ok...We'll be there", I said and hung up the phone.

I couldn't help but sigh.

Carina: "Hey bambina. Everything okay", she asked, entering the living room.

Me: "Well, that was Cindy."

Carina: "Oh no, it didn't work?"

Me: "It did. We're supposed to be at the park in one and a half hours. She also apologized for the late notice, apparently their mother couldn't check her phone", I said, emphasizing the last bit.

Carina: "Okay? Did you tell the girls already?"

Me: "No...and I really don't want to."

Carina: "Come on, we'll do it together."

We called the girls into the living room and told them about today. Scarlett's eyes just lit up and you could physically see her excitement. She couldn't even sit still anymore.

Alice seemed a little unsure about the whole situation. She didn't say a word the whole time and looked like she was about to cry.

Scarlett's POV

I couldn't believe it. I was finally going to see my Mom after such a long time. I was so excited and happy.

The time couldn't go by fast enough. Even the car ride felt like it took two hours.

We arrived at the park and walked towards the Pavillon. Alice was holding Carina's hand the whole time and I was walking next to Maya.

We I saw my mother from afar, I ran and fell into her arms. She hadn't hugged me that tight in a long time.

Mamma: "Oh piccola mia lascia che ti guardi. Sei cresciuto tanto", (Oh my baby let me look at you. You grew so much), she said kissing my face.

Slowly, Maya, Carina, and Alice came closer and closer.

Mamma: "Oh my god, is that Alice?"

I ran over to them and took Alice by her hand. Halfway to our mother she suddenly pulled backwards.

Alice: "Scarlett I wanna stay with Mom", she said with tears in her eyes.

Me: "Ali, your mom is right there", I said pointing to her.

I led her to Mom and Ali gave her a gentle hug.

Mom: "Look at you, so tall and pretty piccolina."

Maya and Carina now also came over.

Maya: "Hi, I'm Maya", she said shaking her hand.

Carin: "I'm Carina, her wife."

Mom: "Hi...I'm Delia, their...Mother."

There was a moment of silence. My mom's caseworker didn't speak and only watched us from a little distance.

Mom: "Thank you, for watching them, while I was unable to."

Maya and Carina gave them a sad nod.

Carina: "Well, we'll pick you girls up here afterwards okay?"

We said our goodbyes and Ali, Mom, her case worker, and I set off to go for a walk.

Carina's POV

We walked back to the car, and I couldn't keep it inside anymore.

Me: "Wow! Thank you for watching them?"

Maya just stared.

Me: "I mean, we're not just babysitters."

Maya still wasn't saying anything, so I engulfed her in a hug.

Me: "Hey, it's gonna be alright", I said kissing her head.

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