Chapter 26:

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Scarlett's POV

I was sitting on the bench, crying my eyes out when someone sat next to me and gave me a hug.

Mom:"Cosa è successo bambina?"

Me: "Mom?"

I threw myself around her neck.

Me: "Wait. Why are you here already? Where's your case worker", I asked and pulled up my snot.

Mom: "I could ask you the same thing. You're way too early."

I started crying again.

Mom: "What's wrong?"

Me: "I yelled at Carina. I said something pretty rude and then just left."

Mom: "Scarlett. Why did you do that?"

Me: "She accused me of doing drugs."

Mom: "Scarlett, they were just looking out for you."

Me: "Ok, but she could at least have asked me instead of confronting me about it in the hospital."

Mom: "Scarlett, you wouldn't have told them the truth. And you know that", she said, stroking my hair.

I sighed.

Me: "So, what now", I asked.

Mom: "You apologize. Either now or this evening."

I looked to where my Mom was looking and saw Maya and Carina holding Alice's hand.

I hid my face in my arms, on my knees again, and silently released some more tears. They didn't come over, but it made me feel less watched and safer.

Not too long after, my Mom's case worker arrived, which meant that Carina and Maya would finally leave again.

My mom was acting kind of strange today, but I didn't think much of it.

Sadly time passed super quickly and before I knew it, it was over.

We sat back down on the bench and waited for Maya and Carina to come pick us up.

Alice jumped up and ran into their arms, while I couldn't look at them without wanting to cry.

Mom: "Bambina, I have to leave. You should too."

I shook my head no.

Me: "I can't. I can't go with them, Mom. Can I come with you?"

Mom: "Not yet piccola I'm sorry. But we do have an overnight stay scheduled for tomorrow and I cannot wait. I love you", she said kissing my head, and then she left.

I was glued to this bench. I thought about just running away, but I couldn't even do that. I pulled my legs to my chest again and rested my chin on my arms.

Maya: "Hey", Maya said coming over.

I didn't look up.

Maya: "Want to tell me what's going on", she asked, sitting down next to me.

Me: "I'm sure she already told you", I said, my face still nuzzled in my arms.

Maya: "Yeah, well, she only told me her side of the story. But I also want to know your side."

Me: "Mmh", I said.

Maya sighed: "Look, Scarlett. We're just trying to look out for you. We want what's best for you and we want to help you."

Me: "I don't need help."

Maya: "Then what do you need?"

Me: "My Mom. I just need my Mom. I need her to be okay and I need her to stay okay. I need Payton to not die and I need her to stop...just stop. I need everything to stop", I cried.

Maya wrapped me in a hug. I wasn't quite sure whether I wanted it to happen but quickly relaxed. I just cried my heart out then and there. I didn't want to let go again.

After I had calmed down a little bit, Maya gently grabbed my face.

Maya: "Can we leave now? I'm getting hungry", she chuckled.

I nodded and dawdled behind her.

I got into the car and didn't look up from my hands. I think Carina was ignoring me. I mean she had every right to be mad, but I do too.

It was another silent car ride, and at that moment, I wished I were like a crumb that disappeared into the cracks of the seat.

We got back to their apartment and I immediately disappeared into my room. I didn't come out at all, not even for dinner. I was mad. 

Okay, maybe just a little mad and mostly embarrassed.

But how could I not be? I hurt someone's feelings. Someone I care about. Of course, I was going to feel awful and didn't want to show my face to that person again.

'Knock knock'

Me: "Come in."

Maya: "Hey. You sure you don't want anything to eat? I can get you some", she said sitting down on my bed.

I just shook my head.

Maya: "You know, you do have to apologize sooner or later. Wouldn't it be smarter to do it sooner?"

Me: "I just...can't. I'm too embarrassed and...anxious."

Maya: "Anxious about what", she looked confused.

Me: "I don't know. I'm just an anxious person."

Maya: "You don't have to be afraid of Carina though", she reassured me.

Me: "Hang on, you're telling me that you're never scared of your wife", I laughed.

Maya: "I didn't say that. I'm just scared to get yelled at in Italian", she chuckled.

She extended her hand and helped me stand up from my chair.

Maya: "You can do this", she said putting her hands on my shoulder.

I gave her a half-hearted smile, and she guided me to their bedroom.

I carefully knocked on the door.

Carina's POV

'Knock knock'

Me: "Come in", I said, folding the laundry.

The door slowly opened and Scarlett came in closing the door behind her again.

Me: "Do you need anything", I continued doing the laundry.

Scarlett: "No...I just...wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have said what I said and...I shouldn't have just run out. I'm sorry. Please don't hate me?"

Me: "I don't hate you Scarlett", I said, now looking at her.

I saw that she looked scared.

Me: "Look", I said, gesturing for her to sit down on the bed.

Me: "I am just worried about you. Maya and I just want what's best for you and we thought that we could help you."

Scarlett: "Why didn't you just ask if I was okay?"

Me: "Scarlett, you've been locking yourself in your room all day. You barely eat with us anymore and you don't talk. Whenever we tried to ask you, you would always brush it off and find an excuse. And be honest, if I asked you whether you take drugs, would you have told me the truth?"

Scarlett: "I don't take drugs. And I've been brushing it off because it's not a big deal. I am fine, there is nothing wrong", she said getting a little upset.

Me: "Ok, but why won't you take the test then?"

Scarlett: "Because it's just proof that you don't trust me."

Me: "Scarlett...."

Scarlett: "Look, I'm sorry for what I said and how I said it. I'm okay. Can we drop it now?"

With that, she got up and left.

After Scarlett's outburst, Amelia was sure that Scarlett was taking drugs. And I think she is right.

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