Chapter 21:

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Scarlett's POV

I didn't want to leave my Mom yesterday, but I was told that we would have regular visits from now on, which I was super excited about.

We talked about arts almost the whole time and she would sometimes tell us funny stories from when she was incarcerated.

It was really nice seeing her clean and smiling. It made me think that I could do it too.

Maya's POV

The mood after the visit was...not so good. Ali wasn't talking at all and refused to eat and Scarlett wouldn't even leave her room.

I couldn't help but get a little frustrated.

I was happy to see Scarlett happy, but it made me incredibly angry that her mother saw us as babysitters. I mean we were so much more than that.

We're the people who took in her kids because she was too high to take care of them. I knew that this moment could eventually come, but the chances were just so low....

I just didn't want to lose them

Carina's POV

Maya has been incredibly tense ever since meeting Scarlett's and Alice's Mom.

I know what Maya feels like, but unfortunately, it was possible from the start for her mother to come to her senses again. It was improbable but not impossible.

Time jump to the weekend before school starts

Maya's POV

The girls have been meeting regularly with their mother, multiple times a week. I didn't like it, but I was excited for school to start because it meant that they would only see her on the weekends.

Every time the girls came back from a visit, Scarlett just locked herself in her room and wouldn't talk to us and Alice kept having temper tantrums. Carina and I were getting clueless.

We had no idea what to do or what caused it.

We joined a support group for foster parents and always considered ourselves to be lucky because our kids didn't threaten to kill us at night. But now we were having the same problems as some of them were having from the start.


Really short one guys I'm sorry 😂

I just needed to write down what Scarlett felt like the day after and what happened in between the time jump and kinda f-ed it up a little.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around for so long. I appreciate it.☺️ 

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