Chapter 8: Familiar faces

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Maya's POV

I woke up with Carina's arm wrapped around me and carefully tried to unravel myself without waking her up. I then made my way to the kitchen and attempted to make some French toast.

Carina: "Why does it smell so burned in here", Carina walked in rubbing her eyes.

Me: "Oh you", I replied.

Carina: "That's not food bambina", she laughed, looking over my shoulder.

I moved aside so she could take over.

Carina: "Do you have work today?"

I shook my head.

Carina: "Me neither."

Me: "So does that mean that we're gonna find out more about Scarlett?"

Carina: "You know if you only were so interested in learning how to cook", she laughed feeding me a bite of her French toast.

Carina: "But yes it does. If you feel ready then we can start making some calls."

Maya: "I am ready", I said hugging her from behind.

Carina: "Okay well I'm not, I really want to eat something first", Carina laughed. I got us both some plates and we sat down and ate.

Carina's POV

I could see that Maya was really excited. It made me really happy to see her like this. I've never seen her this determined about a child before. But as soon as she said that she just had this feeling, I knew. When I saw Maya for the first time, I knew that I would sleep with this woman. And just a few years later we were married and looking into fostering a child.

Me: "Do you want to call or...", I asked her.

Maya: "I don't know, I don't want to mess it up. What if I say the wrong thing and...", I interrupted her.

Me: "Woah calm down. You're not gonna say the wrong thing, Maya. Take a deep breath."

She did as I asked and opened her laptop.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Maya: "I'm looking for a phone number. Jack said that she was in group home 15, they must have different phone numbers."

It took only 2 minutes until she found a website with all the information we needed.

Carina: "You ready", I asked raising my eyebrows.

Maya: "Ready, as always."

Maya dialed the number and soon got up to walk in circles.

Maya: "Hi, yes, this is Maya Bishop-de Luca. Well, I and my wife were at the adoption fair last weekend and after discussing it, we decided that there was someone we like to get to know a little further...Yes her name is Scarlett, Scarlett Leontina, we were told that she is resident in group-home 15...yes yeah perfect...that's great...thank you...see you", she hung up the phone.

Me: "So? Come on tell me", I said getting up as well.

Maya: "She wants us to come down to group home 15 to discuss it in person", she said with a big smile on her face.

Me: "Okay, wow, when?"
Maya: "As soon as we can."

I raised my eyebrows at her.

Maya: "Come on, let's get ready."

I followed her into the bedroom and we got ready to leave.

Maya was so excited that I forbid her to drive, fearing that we won't make it there alive. The whole car ride she was fidgeting with her wedding ring and I was truly concerned that we would have to visit the hospital today too to get it surgically removed. Luckily the drive to the group homes didn't take long, and before I knew it, we were pulling up to the parking lot.

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