Chapter nineteen

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I opened my eyes to the sound of someone not too far away from me

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I opened my eyes to the sound of someone not too far away from me. My hand was beginning to reach for the gun I had hidden beside my bed. "What the hell?" I looked to the side and stilled from the sight of Brielle sitting on the edge of my bed. I thought I was dreaming for a moment until the sound of a sob made it very clear I wasn't. I sat up, making her look back and meet my eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked, seeing her troubled face.

"I..." she breathed in deeply. I sighed before I extended my right arm.

"Come here," she stared at my hand, hesitating to follow through with my suggestion. "I won't hurt you," it was strange to actually say such words since I would rather eat razor blades than hurt her but knowing how satisfied I was days ago when she was mad owing to my actions, I guess the thought was short-lived.

Brielle finally stood up and climbed into my bed, settling right beside my half-naked body. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close, slowly inhaling her scent.

This was a bad idea.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I was never a talker myself when it came to problems, so I tended to lock myself up and battle through everything myself. But when it came to other people, I tried to be understanding. At least when it came to people I cared about.

"No," she said and pressed her cheek against the side of my chest, making goosebumps spread throughout my body.

"Alright," I lowered myself back on the bed, placing my head on the pillow. She shifted until she was back in a comfortable position and sighed. "Do you want some sweets?" Her head looked up and those beautiful green eyes, although glistening with tears, looked happily at me. I smiled before reaching for the bottom drawer of my bedside table. I took out a small box where I kept all kinds of chocolates and other candy for the moment when I needed the sugar.

I set the box on my stomach and left it there for her to look through. She propped up on her elbow and opened the box, her eyes widening after seeing the goods.

"I would've never imagined you to have a box filled with candy beside your bed," I smiled as she took out a small bag with small square pieces of white chocolate. "You like white chocolate?" I hummed in response as my hand began to have a mind of its own. I gently caressed her head, eventually threading my hand in her soft locks. I could tell she was wondering how she should react to this but chose to ignore it.

She opened the bag and took out a few, popping them in her mouth. She turned her head towards me, offering the bag. "Want some?" My tongue coated my bottom lip as I stared at her and smiled.

"Why not?" She lowered the bag but instead, I stayed still, playing with her hair. She frowned as she chewed the chocolate.

"What? You want me to feed you?" I smiled and nodded once. She hesitated for a moment before taking a piece out of the bag and holding it right against my lips. I took the chocolate in my mouth and she retracted her arm from me before taking another chocolate and putting it in her mouth.

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