Chapter 4: Negotiations

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~Colin's POV~

You're safe here!? You're safe here?! Was I trying to lure her in with a false sense of security? You're safe here!? At least until you sign a contract, make me mad and I take you down into my Dungeon and flog you until your ass is nice and purple and you can't sit down for a week. Twisted excitement shoots through me just at the idea.

What the hell was I doing? Bringing her back to my place had been a bad idea, a terrible idea. All I could think about was the fact that she was laying in that room, the room every one of my Submissives have slept in. Thank God London had packed up all of Peyton's things and painted over the royal blue walls with the usual boring white paint. Right now, Emery Palmer was laying in that bed with my shirt. Just like that, I am hard again.

I turn my gaze down, glaring at my rigid cock. Three times! I am not one to jerk off, I rarely do it. If I need a quick fix, okay. But normally when I am feeling desire I head to the club and find some dirty blonde Sub for the night. But tonight, my cock keeps waving around in the air like someone at a rock concert.

Admitting defeat to my own desires I let my eyes fall closed, taking my cock in my hands. I picture Emery, little innocent, wonderful Emery. I picture her brushing her thumb over the lower lip I so desperately want to bite. I picture her curled up tight against my chest. I picture her curled up so nice and cozy under a blanket in my den as I try to keep my gaze off her and pay attention to the movie. I picture her chained to the wall down in my dungeon wincing a little in pain as I punish her for lying to me. It doesn't take long. It had not taken long the past three times before I erupt over my own hand. London will have to change the sheets tomorrow.

What the hell had gotten into me?

I had to get her out of here at least until I got the information I needed until she understood. Understood the kind of man I was. I had to make her see that I am the last man she should trust with her heart.

It wasn't that I was ashamed of my desires... maybe I was a little. Maybe deep down, very deep down a part of me wants to be normal. Wants to be able to form a relationship with a woman based on nothing but love and commitment. But I just can't do it. I can't allow myself to open up like that, whenever you let someone in, they always turned around and stabbed you in the heart. Every time.

And I knew I couldn't give up my Dungeon. I had tried. One time. That had been bad, really bad. I needed the escape; it was the only way I could keep the monster that sat dormant inside me asleep.

I knew that she was innocent. Emery had no idea what lay below in my Dungeon. She had looked so adorably confused when I told her that my women slept in that room rather than with me. I can tell that a part of her, the instinctual part, was telling her to keep her distance. Her gut was smart, but her heart and mind were telling her to let me get closer. They wanted her to ignore the alarms that I set off. Maybe I should have the word predator tattooed across my forehead.

Emery would be the first green Submissive I have ever been with. Even at the young age rage I looked in, most of the women I met and had been with at least had one Dominant before me. Some more than that. I prefer when it's only one or two, I like when they are fresher, but I have never found a completely green one. The fact that she was so oblivious and that I desperately wanted to drag her into my world scared the hell out of me, and I am not a man that is used to feeling scared.

I am always in control, and sure of my actions. But one day around this girl and all of that had been thrown out the window. I raise my head from the pillow and glare at the alarm clock, 6:00, I have been doing a lot of glaring recently. God did I need to find a Submissive. Hopefully, I have found a Submissive.

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