Chapter 18: House Tour

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~Emery's POV~

I rest my head against the headrest of the car, gazing out the windshield with a peaceful smile. It is dark, the sun has long since set and the evening has left me feeling beyond satisfied and blissful.

Letting my eyes fall closed I nearly moan as I let my mind return to the three orgasms Colin treated me to tonight. Two on the hood of the car and one on the blanket he had laid out.

"Come on, please just fuck me," I breathed out desperately as he rubbed my soaked pussy.

"Trust me, you want me to be careful, you don't want sand up there," Colin breathed against my ear nipping it gently.

"Right now I don't give a fuck about the sand, I'll worry about it later," I had managed to whimper out.

Colin laughed huskily gazing down at me with hungry eyes. "This is hurting me just as much as it is you. I much prefer feeling myself buried inside you."

"I doubt that."

"Are you dreaming of me?"

I slowly open my eyes glancing across to the driver's seat. We have stopped at a red light and Colin is watching me with amused, dark eyes, his face is lit up a little with the lights from the dashboard which makes him look dangerously sexier.

"Hmm... maybe," I whisper. When did I become so desperately needy? Just thinking about Colin brushing his fingers up the inside of my thighs, down the front of my shorts... oh hell, how am I wet again? "It's your fault, I was perfectly okay with being celibate before you tainted me."

Colin laughs warmly moving his hand to my thigh he gives it a slow rub. "You sure know how to stroke a man's ego, baby."

"I guess if there is a positive to you having so many exes it's that you are tremendously talented in bed," I say.

Colin laughs softly. "Spend the night at my place tonight. I'll fuck you to sleep." He glances at me as he stops obediently at a stop sign.

I hesitate before slowly nodding. "Okay. But Ellie will still need a ride tomorrow."

"I'll have Reese pick her up, we can carpool," Colin says.

I frown a little looking at him, "can I ride with Reese instead?"

Colin frowns a little glancing at me, "is this about my driving?"

"No, you are a fine driver when you go the speed limit. I don't want to flaunt around that I am sleeping with the CEO. It's not going to make me very popular," I say.

"Why do you care what everyone else thinks? It's not like they can fire you because of it. Trust me everyone at that company is far too scared of me to fire a woman I am with, and I have veto power. Tell any of the interns that have a problem with it to go fuck themselves," Colin says glancing over his shoulder as he changes lanes.

"You know some people actually like having friends," I say gazing at him.

Colin glances at me, "people who have a problem with you dating me especially if it makes you happy, are not your friends. Miss MacWan has no problem with us, does she?"

"No. I don't think so. But I want to have a decent relationship with as many of the other interns as I can. I never had much for friends in high school and now that I can change that I want to," I say.

Colin nods slowly "I understand but do you honestly want friends that you have to pretend with? What happens when you want to bring me along to some friends get together?"

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