Chapter 25: Cuts and Bruises

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~Emery's POV~

The plane ride back to Chicago was rather peaceful, we experienced very little turbulence and after we got to flying altitude, Colin and I spiced up the ride again before we both fell asleep naked until Harry informed us that we were arriving in Chicago. We arrive back at Colin's house at eleven and it's not very long after my head hits the pillow up in Colin's room that I fall asleep. I do feel a little relieved that I get to enjoy having the CEO as my boyfriend at the moment since Colin assured me that I need not worry about making it to work before the afternoon.

It's not that late but after the action-packed weekend, I feel incredibly worn out. It surprises me when I wake up at 4 in the morning to use the washroom. I never use the washroom during the night. Sitting up in bed I slowly stretch a little before turning my gaze beside me. Did Colin wake up already?

I get to my feet and toss on his shirt before noticing the man lying on the couch. He is curled up on his back, his arm laid over his eyes. He looks rather peaceful. Why is he not sleeping in the bed? How long has he been doing this? I frown a little as I make my way to the washroom, when I return, I turn my gaze to the couch. Colin looks a lot less peaceful now.

He is tossing a little on the couch muttering under his breath, his hands are balled into fists. "No... please... no... I won't..." he is mumbling.

I gaze at him in surprise and slowly make my way over to him. I am more than surprised that he is having a nightmare, he doesn't seem like the type. I can guess what the nightmare is about... probably his childhood. My eyes soften as I gaze down at him, wondering if I should wake him.

"I said no!" Colin almost shouts in his sleep.

"Colin?" I whisper leaning over him a little. "Colin it's just a dream, shh..." I sooth, touching my hand to his cheek I gently brush my thumb over his lip before moving my other hand to touch his chest.

"No!" he shouts as his hand flies up and slams into me sending me into the glass coffee table next to the couch.

The glass shattering and my cry of pain wakes Colin and in a second, he is on his feet staring down at me with wide eyes. He looks to be trembling.

~Colin's POV~

"Excuse me?" I say softly walking up to the late twenties' woman.

The woman turns to me and smiles crouching down a little "hello, can I help you?"

I nod, playing my part well. After three years I know best how to lull these women into thinking I actually need help. An arrogant kid, that is not going to get what I need, no matter how cute I am at six years old. No the shy kid always gets the help. "I-I lost my daddy, can you help me?"

The woman melts before my eyes, her face turns to an empathetic frown. These women were so easy. She straightens up a little and looks around "of course, honey, where were you when you got separated?"

"Over here," I say pointing towards the back of the store, close to the emergency exit.

"Let's see if he came back that way," the woman suggests.

I nod and begin to follow her, looking around, playing the part of a half-hopeful, half-scared boy.

We are only a few steps from the exit when my father steps around the corner, wearing his usual black scrubs. "There you are buddy!" he says like he was beyond worried about me.

"Is this your dad?" the girl asks glancing at him.

I nod, "yes, thank you."

My father smiles stepping over to me he places a strong hand on my shoulder and I have to force myself not to flinch at the contact. "Were you helping him?"

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