Chapter 27: Working Relations

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~Colin's POV~

Despite showing up at work only an hour after Reese drove Emery home I have not gotten much done. I have spent most of the day staring out at the city of Chicago, my head rested on my hand. My stomach is so twisted with disgust that I can't even manage to eat or drink anything. How the fuck have I managed to get back here again? I sigh heavily leaning my head back against my chair.

Glancing at my phone I frown a little.

I miss you. How has your day been? Did you go to work today? Will I be seeing you later?

~ Emery

So, she decides to start texting me after I push her into a glass coffee table? Really?

My office phone beeps before Winter's voice comes over it.

"Mr. Corrette, Miss Duncan is here she is wondering if you are free for a quick meeting?" Winter asks.

I hesitate a moment before I hit the intercom button "send her in."

"Yes, sir," Winter says.

A moment passes before there is a gentle knock on my door and Duncan steps inside.

"Jayne," I greet formally getting to my feet. I indicate to the couch and walk over to sit in the armchair. "What can I do for you?"

"It's about Miss Emery Palmer, sir," Duncan says as she sits down.

I frown a little, she couldn't have worse timing. I am really not in the mood to be discussing Emery with this woman. My relationship with the woman is difficult enough without being reminded that she works for me.

"Sir, you know I normally don't pay much attention to rumours, but unfortunately there is one going around that I can't afford to ignore," Duncan says, she is speaking slower right now, like she is hesitant about what she is saying. Like she is making sure she is choosing each word right.

I frown a little, of course, there are rumours running around about us, I would expect there to be after what happened on Thursday and to be honest I kind of like it. I like that everyone at this company knows that I am with Emery, hopefully, that will make any other handsy interns keep their distance.

"What's the problem?" I ask with a small raise of my brow.

Duncan hesitates a moment before she speaks "sir, members of the board are concerned that this might be... people are... well... you see, sir..."

"Jayne, stop wasting my time and spit it out," I mutter.

"Sir, people are concerned that you may be taking advantage of her," Duncan says. "And that this might put the Department in jeopardy should things end badly between you two."

I frown a little, who the fuck does she think she is? "Jayne, it is not any of yours or any member of the board's business who I spend my time with."

"Sir, she is one of my interns, she is my responsibility," Duncan denies.

Fuck I hate when people try to convince me that one of my girls are their responsibility. Emery is my responsibility, end of story. Her health, her happiness, her safety, it is my responsibility. Duncan is her boss, that is it.

"So you have this concern? Not other members of the board?" I ask, slowly getting to my feet. I cross to the window.

"Well, it's a shared concern, sir, but Piero and I are the only ones that have a responsibility to Miss Palmer to make sure she isn't being taken advantage of. Sir, she is eighteen and many of the board are even more concerned given that you seem to be giving her extra special treatment," Duncan says. "She has a Junior Publisher office, she has been given three vacation days when she has only been at work twice, she has a senior publishers benefit package, if this all ends badly..."

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